Latest News – Page 418

  • News

    UK Trade and Investment sponsors awards


    In-line with promoting trade in the UK and internationally, IceFish is pleased to announce that the UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) is sponsoring the Best New Product Launched at show and Best Individual Stand up to 50m2.UKTI works with UK based businesses to ensure their success in ...

  • News

    Eimskip kostar bönd


    Eimskip annast flutningaþjónustu til og frá Íslandi og býður heildstæðar flutningalausnir um heim allan. Starfsemin var í upphafi bundin við eina skrifstofu i Reykjavík en nú rekur Eimskip skrifstofur í 19 löndum um heim allan, auk þess að hafa fjölda umboðsmanna á mörgum öðrum mikilvægum stöðum. Fyrirtækið flytur þurrkaðar, ...

  • News

    Eimskip sponsors lanyards


    This coincides with the company's 100th year anniversary having been in businesses since 17th January 1914, making it the oldest shipping company in Iceland. - See more at: coincides with the company's 100th year anniversary having been in businesses since 17th January 1914, making it the oldest shipping ...

  • News

    Kastljósinu beint að þjóðarbási Færeyja á Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Rock Trawl Doors er í fararbroddi fyrirtækja sem selja fiskveiðifyrirtækjum toghlera. Fyrirtækið er starfrækt í Færeyjum en selur framleiðslu sína til viðskiptavina um heim allan.  Rock Trawl Doors toghlerarnir stuðla að betri nýtingu eldsneytis miðað við botntoghlera og trollið sjálft hefur orðið betra með nýrri hönnun, bæði hvað varðar ...

  • News

    Spotlight on the Faroe Islands Pavilion at IceFish


    Rock Trawl Doors is one of the leading providers of trawl doors for the fishing industry. Based in the Faroe Islands, the company supplies trawl doors to clients worldwide. Rock Trawl Doors delivers improved fuel economy compared with bottom trawl doors, and the trawl itself has improved due to ...

  • Hawaii Oceanic Technology Inc. has recently announced that it intends to deploy a huge automated spherical fish cage, the Oceansphere™. Credit: Hawaii Oceanic Technology Inc

    Technology in waiting


    Menakhem Ben-Yami looks at various technologies awaiting commercial implementation.

  • There are raised fears that food security is still a major concern in the UK. Credit: Jessica/CC-BY-2.0/Via Wikimedia Commons

    Food security still an issue in the UK


    Newspaper reports in the middle of August that the British government was delaying publication of an official review of the integrity and assurance of food supply networks have raised fears that food security is still a major concern in the UK.

  • The Safe2Land fresh fish unloading cage

    Focus on safety with Safe2Land


    Promens will be promoting its Safe2Land fresh fish unloading cage at this year’s IceFish.

  • News

    Professionals work to improve sea fisheries


    After working to establish professional standards for mainly freshwaters, fishery managers are looking to play their part in the development and conservation of Britain’s sea fisheries.

  • The University of Swansea has successfully reared Norway lobster larvae in captivity with a 50% success rate Photo: Adam Powell

    Norway lobster rearing success


    Scientists at the UK’s University of Swansea say they have made a significant breakthrough in rearing and hatching Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) as part of an EU initiative to develop its sustainability in the wild.

  • The Hookpod

    Hookpod funding success


    A funding campaign to get the UK invention Hookpod into production has been successful.

  • News

    Scottish Fishermen’s Federation appointments


    Ross Dougal has been elected as the new president of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) at the organisation’s annual general meeting.

  • The CP200 sonar

    Raymarine unveils new technology


    Raymarine has announced two new technology options for its LightHouse II powered line of multifunction displays.

  • The new facility is a welcome addition to the Seychelles fisheries sector

    Boost for Seychelles fisheries sector


    A new fish processing plant has been unveiled in the Seychelles which the Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) says will diversify and add value to the country’s marine resources.

  • News

    Marport appoints new distributor in Norway


    Marport has appointed Furuno Norway AS as its exclusive distributor for Norway.

  • News

    New software to detect fraud


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has recently invested in business intelligence software which will assist in the detection of quota evasion.

  • News

    New MaxSea TimeZero download


    Version 2.1 of the MaxSea TimeZero professional range MaxSea TimeZero PLOT and ECS has been released and is available to download.

  • Capt. Hook screen shot

    Capt. Hook upgraded


    The newly upgraded Capt. Hook management and information system for longline fisheries has been launched by Mørenot Dyrkorn.

  • News

    Cameras reveal limited impact of fishing


    Deep sea camera systems have revealed that trawl and longline fisheries are having little impact on seafloor biodiversity around Heard Island and McDonald Islands.

  • CCGS Leim. Credit: Canadian Coast Guard

    Canadian Coast Guard welcomes CCGS ‘Leim’


    The Canadian Coast Guard has inaugurated its newest near-shore fisheries research vessel, CCGS Leim.