Latest News – Page 420

  • RDM’s flagship product, the dmTouch, was the industry’s first HD touch screen system front end

    Frostmark to exhibit latest control solutions from RDM


    Frostmark will exhibit the latest energy-saving control solutions from UK company Resource Data Management (RDM) at IceFish.

  • Morgère will be promoting its range of trawl doors at IceFish

    Morgère to promote trawl doors at IceFish


    Morgère will be promoting its range of trawl doors at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, which are proving popular with many Icelandic skippers for their versatility and consistently good catch rates.

  • Scottish Sea Farms’ Label Rouge salmon. Credit: Scottish Sea Farms

    Macduff Shipyards secures £3.3m contract


    Macduff Shipyards Ltd has secured a £3.3 million order from Scottish Sea Farms.

  • Sea Around Us project has received US$2.6 million to improve fisheries data in African and Asian countries

    $2.6m grant to improve fisheries data


    The University of British Columbia’s Sea Around Us project has received US$2.6 million from The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation to provide African and Asian countries with more accurate and comprehensive fisheries data.

  • The website reports on sick, dead or dying fish in the Baltic Sea. Photo: Oceana

    Oceana website dedicated to Baltic data


    Oceana has launched a website to gather information on sick, dead and “disappearing” fish in the Baltic Sea in a bid to increase available knowledge and improve research and studies.

  • News

    Gagnvirknin er hafin – Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin á félagsmiðlum


    Félagsmiðlunum er ætlað að kynna allar hliðar jafnt Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningarinnar og sjávarútvegsins. Fylgstu með sjávarútvegssýningunni á Twitter á til þess að heyra það nýjasta um sýninguna, ráðstefnur og nýsköpun og svo það sem efst er á baugi hverju sinni.  Kynntu þér sjávarútvegssýninguna á LinkedIn, og farðu á ...

  • News

    Time to get interactive - IceFish goes social


    The channels provide an insight into all aspects of both IceFish and the commercial fishing sector. Follow IceFish on Twitter at for updates on the exhibition, conference, innovations and breaking news. Connect with IceFish through LinkedIn at and visit Icefish's Facebook pages at to find ...

  • News

    Samhentir kosta burðarpoka þátttakenda í Íslensku sjávarútvegssýningunni


    Fyrirtækið Samhentir sérhæfir sig í sérhönnuðum umbúðalausnum og á í geymslum sínum birgðir af kössum, pappakössum, pappírsörkum, pokum, kartonpappa, plasti, límbandi og öllu því sem til þarf svo vel fari um vöruna.Fyrirtækið Samhentir er í samstarfi við mikinn fjölda framleiðenda, heildsala og smásala, þar með taldir framleiðendur matvæla á ...

  • News

    Samhentir sponsor delegate carrier bags at IceFish Exhibition


    The company, a leader in specialist packaging, holds stocks of boxes, cartons, sheets, bags, cardboard, plastic, tape and everything necessary to care for goods in their extensive warehouse.Samhentir works with a wide array of manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers, including food processing companies both in Iceland and overseas, and offer ...

  • News

    Tyrknesk skipasmíðastöð smíðar uppsjávarfiskiskip fyrir Íslendinga


    Tyrkneska skipasmíðastöðin gerir ráð fyrir því að fyrra skipið verði afhent snemma árs 2015 en það síðara um haustið sama ár. Nýju skipunum er ætlað að koma í stað tveggja 53 ára gamalla skipa, Víkings og Lundeyjar.Skipin verða 80 metrar að lengd en mesta breidd verður 17 metrar. Bæði ...

  • News

    Turkish shipyard builds pelagic vessels for Iceland


    The Turkish based company is expecting the first vessel is to be delivered in early 2015 followed by the second ship in the autumn of the same year. The first new-build is expected to replace a pair of 53-year old vessels, Víkingur and Lundey.The vessels will measure 80 metres ...

  • News

    Six weeks to go - have you booked your place for IceFish?


    With visitors and exhibitors from around the world, this is the perfect opportunity to visit the exhibition and network with those in the industry. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of the 11th IceFish Exhibition. In 2011 there was an attendance of 13,547 and exhibitors and delegates ...

  • News

    Danish herring fishery enters MSC reassessment


    A North Sea herring fishery operated by the Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation (DPPO) has now entered Marine Stewardship Council reassessment, following its initial certification in 2009.

  • Michael Mosley

    Scottish mussels take a starring role on BBC Horizon


    The environmentally friendly credentials of Scottish rope grown mussels were highlighted in a UK BBC Horizon programme screened on 20 August.

  • News

    Kiwis show their support for aquaculture


    A recent survey carried out by New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) revealed that 73% of New Zealanders have positive views of aquaculture and 91% think the country should look for sustainable growth opportunities.

  • The new Simrad PX Trawleye on display at Nor-Fishing

    New Trawleye revealed at Nor-Fishing


    Simrad introduced the innovative new Simrad PX Trawleye at Nor-Fishing 2014.

  • News

    Aquaculture linked to poverty reduction


    International research organisation, WorldFish Center, has produced a report with the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies revealing evidence of aquaculture''s link to poverty reduction.

  • The Faroe Islands has agreed to cease unsustainable fishing of Atlanto-Scandian herring. Photo: Claus Ableiter

    EU lifts measures against Faroe Islands


    The European Commission has lifted measures set against the Faroe Islands in August 2013 following their unsustainable fishery on Atlanto-Scandian herring, but the dispute continues.

  • Marel has won the 2014 Nor-Fishing Innovation Award for its new FleXicut

    Marel wins Innovation Award 2014


    Marel''s FleXicut has won the 2014 Nor-Fishing Innovation Award.

  • All available cranes and winches are required to connect the tubes before each pumping trial. Low-pressure pumps and vacuum pumps for internal transport will be built into the trawlers of the future. Photo: Nofima

    Vacuum pumping better for trawl caught fish


    A collaborative experiment between Nofima and Nergård Havfiske AS has shown that pumping from the trawl’s cod-end is gentler for the fish than lifting the complete catch onto the deck.