Latest News – Page 426

  • News

    Newfoundland and Labrador’s aquaculture statistics available online


    Key aquaculture statistics which include production volumes, employment numbers, and inspection information are now available on a new page of the Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture website.

  • Signal crayfish. Credit: David Perez/CC BY 3.0

    Researchers discover new crayfish disease


    Crayfish researchers have discovered a new disease plaguing female signal crayfish - eroded swimmeret syndrome (ESS).

  • NUFTA and Greenpeace are calling for UK coastal waters to be reclaimed for low impact, local fishermen

    Foreign fishing rights


    At a parliamentary meeting on Monday, UK MPs agreed to back a call for the rights of foreign vessels to fish in UK coastal waters to be revoked and reclaimed for the use of low impact, local fishermen.

  • News

    Rolls-Royce to design and equip stern trawler


    Rolls-Royce has signed a £7 million contract to design and equip a stern trawler for the Norwegian fishing company Prestfjord Havfiske AS.

  • News

    Australia to combat IUU fishing


    During a visit to the Tenth Annual Session of Pacific Fisheries Ministers last week, Australian Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister to Agriculture, Senator Richard Colbeck, renewed commitment to combat illegal fishing and support sustainable fisheries management in the Pacific.

  • The map displays the popular advice for each fish stock within the various ICES ecoregions

    New interactive ICES map


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has launched a new interactive map, which shows ICES assessments of the status of fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic

  • News

    ASC salmon in Chile


    Cermaq Chile has become the first salmon producer in Chile to achieve ASC certification.

  • News

    Popular Oz seafood “unsustainably managed”


    Five of the 11 most popular species of fish in Australia are found to be “unsustainably managed”, according to a new analysis by the Australian Marine Conservation Society (AMCS).

  • Mackerel

    Mackerel fisheries re-enter MSC assessment


    More than 700 mackerel fishing vessels are uniting as the Mackerel Industry Northern Sustainability Alliance (MINSA) to begin Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) re-assessment.

  • News

    ISSF launches guidebook website


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has launched its new guidebook platform,

  • News

    NAFO reports on fish stock status


    The Scientific Council of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (NAFO) has released its advice on the status of certain fish stocks in the northwest Atlantic.

  • Critical habitat for the threatened loggerhead sea turtle has been designated

    Loggerheads protected


    NOAA Fisheries and the Department of Interior’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) have announced two final rules to designate critical habitat for the threatened loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Atlantic Ocean and on coastal beach habitat along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.

  • The first of HB Grandi’s two new pelagic vessels. Credit:HB Grandi/Thórarinn Sigurbjörnsson

    The pressure increases onboard


    As the demand for fresher fish increases the race to get it to shore in the best possible condition, onboard processing is becoming an even more important factor in the process, as Adrian Tatum reports.

  • Fisheries could be worth an extra $50 billion if managed sustainably

    The Prince of Wales brings together fish and finance


    The Prince of Wales is bringing together experts from the worlds of fishing and finance today to discuss ways to invest in the sustainability of the oceans.

  • News

    Icelandic Fisheries Awards 2014 - deadline extended


    If your company has launched a product in the last three years that has made a significant contribution to the fishing industry, or if you are a fisherman that uses such a product, then please nominate that product to us by completing and returning the entry form below.All nominated ...

  • Sainsbury’s has launched Freedom Food-labelled rainbow trout. Credit: Sainsbury’s

    Sainsbury’s launches first Freedom Food rainbow trout


    The first and exclusive Freedom Food-labelled rainbow trout has been launched in 400 of UK supermarket Sainsbury’s stores.

  • Digital Yacht’s new chart plotter app for MacBook

    New chart plotter app


    Digital Yacht is launching a new application that will turn a MacBook into an electronic charting system at the UK’s Southampton Boat Show in September.

  • Asda has published its first Wild Fisheries Annual Review

    Asda publishes first transparent sourcing report


    Asda has become the first supermarket to publish comprehensive and independent data on the fisheries that supply it, meaning that consumers can see exactly how and where Asda’s wild fish is caught.

  • News

    Seafish publishes ecological risk assessment


    The UK authority Seafish has developed an assessment model which will help fisheries in the South West of England to identify the ecological effects of fishing and work towards becoming more sustainable.

  • Hong Kong market

    WWF guides Hong Kong consumers


    A new sustainable Seafood Guide has been published by WWF for Hong Kong consumers, based upon scientific assessments of the main fish and shellfish supply sources.