Latest News – Page 433

  • The two Icelandic companies have achieved MSC certification for their herring fisheries

    Herring trawl and seine fishery certified


    Icelandic companies Samherji hf and Síldarvinnslan hf have achieved Marine Stewardship Council Certification for their Norwegian spring-spawning herring and Icelandic summer-spawning herring fisheries.

  • The protection of North Atlantic right whales is slowly improving. Photo: NOAA

    NOAA study helps protect right whales


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) policy of lower ship speeds in protected areas in the North Atlantic is paying off, protecting critically endangered right whales from ship collisions, according to a new study.

  • The Damen Multi Cat 2712

    Samba orders Damen workboat


    Damen Shipyards Group has received an order for a Multi Cat 2712 from Norwegian owner Samba AS.

  • A Russian trout farm

    Russia to increase aquaculture production


    The Russian government plans to increase the domestic production of aquaculture to 300,000 tonnes by 2020 and also plans to attract investors to the industry, reports Eugene Gerden.

  • Landcatch’s eggs will be available later this year. Credit: United States Fish and Wildlife Service

    Sea lice breakthrough


    Scottish aquaculture company Landcatch has announced that salmon eggs with improved resistance to sea lice will be made available for sale later this year.

  • EMS continues to take its toll, especially in Asia

    EMS continues to take its toll


    Early mortality syndrome (EMS) continues to take its toll on the shrimp farming industry, but advanced knowledge is leading to improved practices and better control of the disease.

  • News

    Havfisk CEO resigns


    Olav Holst-Dyrnes has resigned as chief executive officer of Havfisk ASA, to take over as CEO of Norwegian furniture group Ekornes ASA.

  • Pingtan has ordered 25 new fishing vessels. Credit: Pingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd

    Pingtan orders 25 new fishing vessels


    China based fishing company, Pingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd., has recently ordered 25 newly-built fishing vessels as a continuation of its fleet replacement plan.

  • Hansen Protection has launched a new EPIRB

    New EPIRB launched for better safety at sea


    A new EPIRB has been launched by Norway’s Hansen Protection, which makes it easier to locate people in distress at sea.

  • The Ecuadorian artisanal fishing fleet will be outfitted with Globalstar’s satellite transmitter, the SmartOne. Credit: Paul Stein/CC BY-SA 2.0

    Satellite tracking devices for Ecuadorian fishing fleet


    A regional pilot project in Ecuador will outfit the Ecuadorian artisanal fishing fleet with life-saving satellite tracking and emergency notification devices.

  • News

    SNP success a ‘victory for fishing’


    North East MSP Christian Allard has said the Scottish National Party’s success in the European elections is a victory for the fishing industry in Scotland.

  • Orange roughy. Credit: Stephen McGowan, Australian Maritime College, 2006/Marine Photobank

    Orange roughy enters MSC assessment


    New Zealand’s key orange roughy fisheries will enter into full Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assessment, which is expected to take at least 12 months.

  • The EC has reiterated its commitment to implementing control measures for bluefin tuna during the 2014 main fishing season. Credit: Marco Care/Marine Photobank

    Commitment to bluefin control measures


    The European Commission has reiterated its commitment to implementing the international control measures for bluefin tuna during the 2014 main fishing season.

  • News

    See glycerine fuel in action at Seawork


    The world’s first marine engine to be run using the exceptionally clean fuel of glycerine will be on display at Seawork International, in Southampton, UK, in June.

  • The red nylon version of the K2 275N twin chamber lifejacket with AQ40L light and Kannad R10 SRS

    New lifejacket combo to debut at Seawork


    Ocean Safety will display its new commercial twin chamber lifejacket range, the K2 275N, at Seawork International, in Southampton, UK, in June.

  • CodMarine is made from by-products from certified sustainable North East Arctic cod, haddock and saithe. Credit: Pharma Marine

    CodMarine certified


    CodMarine® fish oil supplement, produced by Norway''s Pharma Marine AS, has been certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

  • Torben Svejgard, CEO, BioMar Group. © Søren Holm, Chili

    New production line for BioMar


    BioMar is to invest more than €50m in a new production line that will expand the company''s capacity in Norway by 30%.

  • The NFFO says the ban could close all of the UK small scale driftnet fisheries for herring, mackerel, sole and others. Photo: NFFO

    EU States oppose ‘blanket ban’


    A coalition of fishermen, scientists and conservationists are joining forces to oppose the European Commission’s proposal for a ‘blanket ban’ on driftnet fisheries.

  • News

    Salmon Council welcomes new members


    The US NFI Salmon Council has announced the addition of new members - Blumar USA and Platina Seafood USA.

  • Dougie Brown, right, receiving his new free PFD from Iain MacEachan of Marine Scotland onboard his replacement boat

    Fisherman saved by PFD


    A fisherman from the Isle of Col, in the Inner Hebrides, has told how his life was saved by wearing a Personal Flotation Device and is now urging all fishermen the importance of wearing such equipment at all times.