Latest News – Page 443

  • The new partnership aims to make Southeast Asia’s fishing industry more sustainable. Credit: Danumurthi Mahendra/CC BY 2.0

    New partnership to develop sustainable fisheries in Asia


    A new partnership has been announced, which aims to make Southeast Asia’s fishing industry more sustainable.

  • News

    Next steps towards fisheries development


    Indonesia will host the country’s third International Coastal Tuna Business Forum from the 19 to 20 May 2014 to assess ways to support the company’s pole and line and handline fishery.

  • Cabinplant’s 2nd generation multi batcher

    Cabinplant reduces give-away with new multi batcher


    Cabinplant will present its 2nd generation multi batcher at Seafood Processing Global 2014.

  • The consortium's goal is to enable a broad-based use of national resources and open access to information

    New marine research consortium


    The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE is to coordinate the consortium for Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure, FINMARI, selected for the national roadmap of research infrastructures.

  • The Seafood Prix d’Elite competition is a showcase of some of the finest and most innovative new seafood products

    Seafood Prix d’Elite finalists announced


    The finalists for this year’s Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global Seafood Prix d’Elite new products competition have been announced.

  • News

    New website for Crab Council


    The NFI Crab Council’s new website - – has been launched to provide information and updates on the Council’s sustainability projects in Southeast Asia.

  • ASC celebrates a successful year at Seafood Expo North America

    ASC success at Seafood Expo North America


    The Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s (ASC) update meeting – held at this week’s Seafood Expo North America in Boston – attracted over 70 participants.

  • Mikal Solhaug’s new longliner

    Tersan longliners


    Turkish shipyard Tersan successfully delivered longliner M-Solhaug to owner Mikal Solhaug AS at the end of February.

  • Primary school children in England will now learn about the importance of eating fish as part of the national curriculum

    Seafish reaches out to primary schools


    An education resource pack that supports primary school teachers to deliver healthy eating lessons has been distributed to every primary school in England.

  • AZTI-Tecnalia has developed a new method of authenticating canned tuna. Credit: AZTI-Tecnalia

    Authenticating canned tuna within 24 hours


    R&D centre AZTI-Tecnalia has developed a new method of authenticating canned tuna - which makes it possible check if a product is albacore, yellowfin, bigeye or another tuna species within 24 hours.

  • News

    Salmon industry joins forces


    Today at the Seafood Expo North America in Boston, the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), WWF, FAO and Rabobank, will join together for the first time in the US to demonstrate how the global farmed salmon industry is leading the way in changing current aquaculture business practices to ensure a sustainable ...

  • The SAM is proving popular with fishermen looking to better manage fisheries

    DTU Aqua statistical model proves popular


    A statistical model developed by DTU Aqua, which contributes the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) work, is proving popular with fishermen looking to better manage their fisheries.

  • Vónin has supplied Meridian Salmon Farms with a complete mooring system for a set of 14 cages. © Vónin

    Vónin mooring system for Shetland


    Vónin has supplied Meridian Salmon Farms with a complete mooring system for a set of 14 100m diameter cages at its Yell location in Shetland.

  • Linda Cornish, executive director of the Seafood Nutrition Partnership

    Industry invited to donate to US health campaign


    The Seafood Nutrition Partnership (SNP) has nearly reached its goal of $7.5 million in contributions from the seafood industry – half of what is ultimately needed to underwrite a three-year national public health campaign that would begin in 2015.

  • News

    Trawler model for HB Grandi


    Turkish shipyard Celiktrans Denis Insaat Ltd is to design and build a fresh fish trawler model for tank testing, for HB Grandi.

  • The SeaBird Saver emits both a visual and acoustic stimulus that deters birds from the baited lines

    Mustad to launch SeaBird Saver this year


    Mustad Autoline will launch its SeaBird Saver™ in August this year - the first effective audio-laser solution, that prevents seabird bycatch and bait loss.

  • A joint statement committing to tackling global fleet overcapacity has been signed

    Joint commitment to tackling overcapacity


    A joint statement committing to adopt measures to tackle global fleet overcapacity has been signed by the EU and major fishing nations including the United States, Colombia, Japan, Philippines and Indonesia.

  • Ms Bellinger says hatcheries may no longer be of use for conservation of trout. Photo: Shelly Hanks, WSU Photo Services

    Wild trout win the race


    A recent study by researchers at Washington State University (WSU) suggests trout hatcheries could be interfering with the appearance and behaviour of domestic trout, making them inferior to their wild relatives.

  • The training videos aim to strengthen Egypt's aquaculture industry. Photo: Samuel Stacey/WorldFish

    Online training videos to boost Egyptian aquaculture


    A series of online training videos have been released by non-profit organisation, WorldFish, designed to teach Egyptian fish farmers the industry’s best management practices.

  • News

    Morrisons seafood product recall


    Morrisons supermarket is recalling its seafood cocktail and prawn mayo sandwich fillers in the UK because some of the packs may contain undercooked prawns.