Latest News – Page 450

  • News

    Icelandic companies join forces


    IÁ Hönnun ehf is to purchase an 80% stake in 3X Technology.

  • Nofima researchers have developed Virgin herring. Photo: Ragnhild Skåra/Nofima

    Nofima reinvents North Sea herring


    Norway''s Nofima is taking advantage of the increase in North Sea herring stocks to create a new product, Virgin herring.

  • Bloomberg Philanthropies believes that the factors that led to mismanagement must be addressed now

    Bloomberg Philanthropies launches Vibrant Oceans


    Bloomberg Philanthropies has announced the launch of the Vibrant Oceans initiative, a commitment of $53 million over five years to promote reforms to boost fish populations in Brazil, the Philippines and Chile.

  • Sir Bob Geldof will speak at AquaVision 2014

    Sir Bob Geldof to speak at AquaVision 2014


    The organisers of AquaVision 2014 have announced that Sir Bob Geldof will be one of the main speakers at the conference in June.

  • Brixham Trawler Agents’ new ice plant

    Finsam delivers new ice plant


    Brixham Trawler Agents Ltd. has replaced its existing automatic containerised ice plant that was built by Norwegian company Finsam 25 years ago – and again turned to Finsam to supply the new plant.

  • More than 350 species have been identified so far at Gorringe Bank Photo: OCEANA/Juan Cuetos

    Oceana interactive viewer


    International marine protection organisation, Oceana, has launched an interactive viewer of the Gorringe Bank, a group of seamounts south-west of Portugal.

  • News

    New Zealand fisheries consultation underway


    The New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has begun public consultation on new catch limits for rock lobster and scallop stocks, and changes to commercial overfishing penalties for sea cucumber for 1 April 2014.

  • The deployment of an Argo float into the ocean. Credit: CSIRO

    Bio robots for Indian Ocean research


    Robotic floats armed with revolutionary new sensors will be launched in the Indian Ocean, as part of a new India-Australia research partnership to find out more about the world''s third largest ocean.

  • News

    Draft hatchery standards available for comment


    A draft of the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) hatchery and nursery standards for finfish, crustaceans and mollusks is now available for public comment until 31 March 2014.

  • The new machine locates the fish bones using X-ray technology, and fillets the fish quickly and precisely with a powerful jet of water © SINTEF

    Filleting breakthrough in Norway


    A Nordic Innovation project has resulted in a newly developed white fish filleting machine that could give the Norwegian industry a much-needed boost.

  • Walmart has updated its seafood policy

    Walmart changes its seafood policy


    Walmart has changed it sustainable seafood policy, which now incorporates the latest science and principles by The Sustainability Consortium (TSC).

  • Marine Harvest has become the first aquaculture company to be listed at the NYSE

    Marine Harvest marks beginning of new era


    Norway’s Marine Harvest has become the first aquaculture company to be listed at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), marking the beginning of a new era for the salmon farming industry.

  • Maria Damanaki says that she is happy that the fund will focus on promoting a sustainable future for the fishing industry and coastal communities

    EMFF agreement reached


    Political agreement on the 2014-2020 European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) has been reached.

  • North Sea catch. Credit: University of Aberdeen

    Smaller North Sea fish linked to climate change


    A study by the University of Aberdeen has found that a decline in the length of fish in the North Sea could be linked to climate change.

  • Dredging not only catches the targeted blue mussels, it also leaves the seafloor deserted and difficult to recolonise

    Oceana questions EU's “wrong” decision


    Oceana says it is disappointed with the European Commission’s latest decision to allow mussel dredging to continue inside Denmark’s Natura 2000 marine protected areas.

  • News

    New CFO for High Liner Foods


    Canada’s High Liner Foods Inc will get a new chief financial officer (CFO ) this year. Mr Paul Jewer will replace Mr Kelly Nelson following the AGM in May.

  • News

    Effect of the landings obligation


    A new report from Seafish has unlocked the potential economic implications of the landings obligation on selected UK fleets in the North and Irish Seas.

  • Two US senators have asked President Barack Obama to help fight seafood fraud

    Call for Obama to fight seafood fraud


    Two US senators have called on President Barack Obama to direct federal agencies to better coordinate their efforts to fight seafood fraud.

  • News

    Young’s Seafood renews deal with PPS East


    PPS East Limited will continue to deliver services to Young''s Seafood Limited, following the agreement of a new two year contract.

  • Skretting ARC officially opens its Hezhoubei Research Station in the Guangdong province, China. This new station becomes Skretting’s main research facility for shrimp and Asian fish species.

    Skretting opens Asian research facility


    Skretting Aquaculture Research Centre (ARC) has officially opened its new research facility for shrimp and Asian fish species.