Latest News – Page 453

  • Recom will introduce its first flake ice machine in May

    New Recom flake ice machine


    Recom Ice Systems will be introducing its first flake ice machine at Seafood Processing Global (formerly Seafood Processing Europe) in Brussels in May this year.

  • News

    Demand for automation increases


    Freezer manufacturer Dybvad Stål Industri (DSI) says that despite slow sales to start with, demand for its automated V16 plate freezer has really taken off.

  • The Michigan Dining menu includes MSC-certified Alaska Pacific cod

    ‘Big Ten’ university certified sustainable


    The University of Michigan (U-M) has become the first ‘Big Ten’ University to achieve Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Chain of Custody certification.

  • News

    Pingtan to build processing plant


    As part of Pingtan Marine Enterprise Ltd’s strategy to sell fish products directly to end markets, the company is joining forces with China Co-op (Hainan) Industry Development Co., Ltd. to build a fish processing plant.

  • News

    Outstanding Icelandic Fleet Award sponsored by Samskip


    Samskip is a global logistics company offering transport and related services by land, sea, rail and air with a particular focus on cost efficient, sustainable and environmentally friendly transport. Headquartered in the Netherlands, Samskip is one of the larger European transport companies, with offices in 24 countries in Europe, ...

  • News

    Provisional Icefish conference details announced


    The first conference, titled ‘Cooperation and Conflicts in Fisheries' takes place on 26 September 2014 and is organised by the Institute of Economic Studies Iceland and is sponsored by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The conference will take a view on current and future cooperation between different stakeholders in ...

  • Farmed salmon can now be more efficiently tested to trace where they have come from

    New test for salmon DNA tracing


    Scientists at the food institute Nofima have developed a new and efficient DNA test to trace escaped farmed salmon, in which they can link the DNA profile of the escaped fish to the fish farm from which it escaped.

  • Braehead (SFO Enterprises)’s investment has resulted in a 25% energy saving

    Cooling system nets 25% energy saving


    Investing in a high efficiency cooling system from Star Refrigeration has resulted in a 25% energy saving for a Scottish seafood processor.

  • Frozen scallops account for about one third of Packopale’s production

    X-ray inspection for frozen scallops


    French seafood packer, Packopale, has installed an Ishida X-ray inspection system to monitor frozen scallops before they enter the packing process.

  • News

    Haikui Seafood to build new processing factory


    The Chinese subsidiary of Haikui Seafood AG is planning to build a new seafood processing factory in the Dongshan Marine Biotechnology Industrial Park, Dongshan Island, Fujian Province.

  • Jeff Kneebone, a marine biologist with the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, releases a freshly-tagged Atlantic cod into Massachusetts Bay. Credit: John Clarke Russ

    Cod-tagging project to protect local cod


    Scientists and fishermen in Massachusetts are working together to gather data about cod behaviour, to better protect local cod during spawning season.

  • Sean O’Scannlain has been announced as the new chairman of the NFI

    O’Scannlain takes over as NFI chairman


    Fortune Fish & Gourmet president & CEO Sean O’Scannlain has been announced as the new chairman of the USA’s National Fisheries Institute (NFI).

  • The grant will be used for further research into extracting chitin from shrimp shells

    Shrimp shell research grant awarded


    Canada’s Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development at the Marine Institute will receive $100,000 from the Fisheries Technology and New Opportunities Program to continue research into extracting chitin from shrimp shells.

  • The grant will be used to reduce the low number of collisions that occur between seabirds and the cables used to tow trawl nets. Credit: Kevin Cole/CC BY 2.0

    Project to reduce the number of seabirds caught in fishing wires


    Australia’s South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association Limited (SETFIA) is to receive a government grant of up to $356,840 for a project to reduce the number of seabirds caught by wires on trawl fishing vessels.

  • New Zealand has confirmed a ban on shark finning. Credit: Cloneofsnake/CC-BYSA.2.0

    NZ shark fin ban confirmed


    New Zealand’s government has confirmed a ban on shark finning, with the first tranche of sharks included in the ban taking affect from 1 October 2014.

  • Professor Chris Elliott says that evidence of fraudulent practices is difficult to detect in cold stores. Credit: Lotus Head/CC BY-SA 3.0

    Complex supply chains leave industry open to fraud


    Last year’s horsemeat scandal in the UK illustrated the ease with which criminals could target the food industry and make huge profits as they did so.

  • Captain Anne Lynch

    New appointments for NOAA


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a new commanding officer at the NOAA Marine Operations Center-Atlantic.

  • According to the team’s recent findings, the current stock assessment of the Georges Bank yellowtail flounder is incorrect. Credit: NOAA

    USA: Count the fish and let them go


    Menakhem Ben-Yami looks into an American fish counting project

  • Bjørn Myrseth received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s GOAL 2013 conference in Paris last year

    Freshwater fish will become more important in aquaculture


    World Fishing & Aquaculture interviews Norwegian modern fish farming pioneer, Bjørn Myrseth to discover what he believes the future holds for the fast growing industry.

  • Open Blue cobia farming

    Cobia at a crossroads


    Andrew Martin reports on the future potential for farmed cobia.