Latest News – Page 456

  • News

    New tuna vessel for Mexico


    Mexican tuna company, Procesa, has ordered a tuna vessel from Galician shipbuilder Hijos de J. Barreras, S.A.

  • News

    New film to engage developing world fisheries


    A new film has been launched by the Marine Stewardship Council to support the positive transformation of seafood resources management in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia.

  • Bertie Armstrong: "It is essential that the Scottish and UK negotiating teams fight hard to ensure...these cuts do not materialise"

    SFF makes recommendations ahead of EU talks


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) is urging the EU Fish Council not to make further cuts in the number of days that vessel can put to sea next year, ahead of talks next week (16 and 17 December).

  • 'Andenesfisk I' is equipped with a fillet fish process plant and outfitted with electric motor driven fishing winches on deck

    New Turkish built factory freezer trawler


    Turkey’s Tersan Shipyard Inc has delivered a new state of the art factory freezer trawler to the Norwegian fishing company, Andenes.

  • Only three products were found to be mislabelled

    MSC seafood confirmed sustainable


    Independent DNA testing of Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) labelled products has confirmed their sustainability, with over 99% correctly labelled.

  • Tens of thousands of small boats and fishing gear have being damaged or destroyed in the disaster Credit: ©FAO/A.Aduna

    FAO calls for prompt action in the Philippines


    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is calling for prompt and sustainable action to help rebuild fishing livelihoods in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan.

  • News

    Oyster virus research boost


    A new purpose-built laboratory at Cawthron Aquaculture Park near Nelson, has further boosted a long-term research programme to breed Pacific oysters resilient to a virus that devastated New Zealand’s oyster industry three years ago.

  • Oyster numbers have plummeted in the Solent, off the south coast of England

    Decline in oysters leads to ban


    UK fishermen have been left reeling after plummeting numbers of oysters in the Solent led to a ban during their peak season.

  • Eleven EU fishing vessels will be able to fish in the waters of the Kingdom of Morocco in return for an annual payment. Photo: travelinknu

    EU-Morocco fisheries agreement renewed


    A new agreement has been formed that will enable fishing vessels from 11 EU countries to fish in the waters of the Kingdom of Morocco in return for an annual payment of €30m.

  • Blue mussels – one species of shellfish that will be researched under the Calcium in a Changing Environment (CACHE) programme

    Shellfish research programme


    A team of international scientists have launched an ambitious programme to monitor the effects of climate change on shellfish that are vital to the European fishing economy.

  • Figure: Average fishing pressure (measured as fishing mortality) (left) and average stock biomass (right) for 85 major fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic, both scaled to the mean over the time period (1960-2013), ie. if the y-axis value is 1 ...

    Fish stock exploitation has declined


    ICES has concluded that exploitation of fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic has declined significantly during the last decade.

  • Numbers of New Zealand eel have stabilised in recent years

    NZ eel fisheries up for review


    A comprehensive assessment is to be carried out on the current status of New Zealand’s eel population, after an independent review revealed their numbers are up after years of decline.

  • Connaigre Fish Farms Incorporated has been a awarded grant to develop mussel harvesting equipment

    Mussel farm awarded grant to develop harvesting equipment


    Connaigre Fish Farms Incorporated has received $33,367 from the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Government to develop and implement innovative deep water mussel socking and harvesting technology.

  • Despite an objective of reducing overfishing for bigeye tuna, the European Commission is still disappointed by the lack of ambition in protecting tropical tunas

    Commission disappointed by WCPFC meeting


    The European Commission has expressed its disappointment on the outcome of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission’s (WCPFC) 10th plenary session, held 2-6 December 2013 in Australia.

  • News

    SFF: CFP has fundamental flaws


    Now that the new Common Fisheries Policy is coming into force, the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) is warning that the new CFP has some fundamental flaws.

  • Alessandro Lovatelli has been confirmed as the Offshore Mariculture Conference 2014 chairman

    Offshore Mariculture Conference 2014 chairman announced


    Alessandro Lovatelli has been confirmed as the Offshore Mariculture Conference 2014 chairman and brings over 25 years of aquaculture industry experience to the event.

  • Barrie Deas, chief executive of the NFFO said, “The Government’s recent decision to shift its subsidy to offshore wind-farms underlines the need to strengthen protection for our most important fishing grounds.”

    UK fishermen fear green energy


    Fishermen’s organisations have expressed their fears over the UK Government’s announcement to shift wind farm renewable subsidies from onshore to offshore.

  • The new Common Fisheries Policy has formally been adopted. Credit August Linnman/CC BY-SA 2.0

    CFP finally adopted


    Following the final vote by the European Parliament on 10 December, the new Common Fisheries Policy has now formally been adopted, and will be applied throughout EU waters from 1 January 2014.

  • News

    MAN powered specialised fishing vessel


    Norwegian shipping company Nyholmen, part of Hansen Dahl, has chosen MAN Diesel & Turbo main and auxiliary four stroke engines for its newbuild 77.25m purse seiner/trawler.

  • The European Parliament has voted against phasing out deep-sea bottom trawling and bottom gillnetting. Credit: Skagman/CC BY 2.0

    Deep-sea fishing vote


    The European Parliament has voted on deep-sea fishing in the North-East Atlantic – and has voted against phasing out deep-sea bottom trawling and bottom gillnetting.