Latest News – Page 457

  • A 'Food Alert for Action' has been issued for a range of smoked fish at Lloyds & Sons, including mackerel

    Food Alert for Action issued on smoked fish


    The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has issued a ‘Food Alert for Action’ to make authorities aware that smoked mackerel, catfish, barracuda and tilapia have been processed in an unapproved establishment, trading as Lloyds & Sons.

  • ICES advice for 2014, applicable for the widely-distributed and migratory stock of European Eel, is for all human-caused mortality  influencing production and escapement of silver eels to be reduced to as close to zero as possible. Credit: Ron O...

    Hydropower plants kill thousands of eels


    Following recent reports from ICES and HELCOM classifying several species of eel as critically endangered, Oceana says that aside from fishing, hydropower plants are also killing hundreds of thousands of eels every year.

  • The project will investigate how waste from the aquaculture and agriculture industries can best be used to create renewable energy

    Waste into energy


    An EU-funded project, BIFFiO, will see the aquaculture, agriculture and biogas sectors working together to develop renewable energy.

  • The vessel believed to be fishing illegally for Patagonian toothfish

    Countries unite to apprehend illegal fishing vessel


    INTERPOL has issued a Purple Notice to assist in identifying an illegal fishing vessel as a result of a joint effort by New Zealand, Australia and Norway.

  • Bigeye tuna continues to be overfished. Photo: Alex Hofford, Greenpeace/Marine Photobank

    Commission fails to make changes to overfishing


    Greenpeace has spoken out about the increasing need “to take steps to ensure sustainable fishing” following the end of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission 10th meeting.

  • The new scheme is a major step forward in tackling "pirate" fishing

    IMO tackles pirate fishing


    The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has lifted an exemption for fishing vessels from inclusion in a crucial ship identification scheme – a major step forward in the fight against Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) or “pirate” fishing.

  • The Rockfish was used to demonstrate how ocean acidification has a detrimental affect on fish behaviour Photo: S. Lonhart/SIMoN

    Rising ocean acidification leads to anxious fish


    New research combining marine physiology, neuroscience, pharmacology, and behavioural psychology has revealed a surprising outcome from increased levels of carbon dioxide in the oceans - anxious fish.

  • AKVA and Sinor AS have secured a contract with DunAn Longyangxia for delivery of a complete cage farm

    Complete cage farm for China


    Chinese company DunAn Longyangxia has ordered a complete cage farm from AKVA Group – the first major contract for a complete cage farm in China.

  • The marine research and seafood sector low carbon roadmap will help boost the Irish seafood sector. Photo: John Rafferty Photography/Marine Photobank

    Ireland consults on seafood “roadmap”


    A public consultation process is being launched in Ireland on the preparation of a Marine Research and Seafood Sector Low Carbon Roadmap to boost Ireland’s marine economy.

  • News

    Trackwell solution puts QR codes on the menu


    Recent studies show that consumers are generally willing to pay higher prices for responsible fish products.

  • Brezforce

    Brezforce from Le Drezen


    French company Le Drezen has launched its latest netting, Brezforce.

  • Asda has pledged to eradicate bycatch its suppliers © Asda Stores Limited

    Asda pledges to ban bycatch


    UK retailer Asda has pledged to eradicate bycatch from the fisheries that supply its seafood.

  • News

    Sustainable seafood at 2016 Olympics


    The Rio 2016 Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games has announced an agreement to promote Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certified seafood at the 2016 Rio Games.

  • News

    Icelandic companies introduce ‘Green Marine Technology’


    Ten Icelandic ocean technology firms have introduced ‘Green Marine Technology’ – a joint marketing initiative emphasising eco-friendly solutions for fisheries and fish processing.

  • WWF wants swift completion of talks to adopt new WTO guidelines banning harmful fisheries subsidies Photo: Wiki/Roysfoto

    Fighting against "harmful" fisheries subsidies


    WWF has applauded an initiative by a dozen countries to freeze subsidies that encourage overfishing and the overcapacity of fishing fleets. It hopes the initiative will spur other governments into action over the issue.

  • There are concerns about the negative impact on wild fish if GM salmon should escape

    Call for GM salmon labelling


    In the midst of the ongoing debate in the US on the introduction of genetically modified transgenic salmon, Marine Harvest and WWF-Norway have said that if GM salmon is approved for human consumption then it must be labelled as such.

  • Workforce socks have been specifically engineered to meet the demands of strenuous employment

    New socks for physical work


    The Workforce brand of work socks is designed to withstand the pressures of physical work.

  • Raw whole fresh krill is pumped from sea to Tharos’ onboard pilot plant facility and processed in minutes after being captured

    At-sea trials a success for new krill oil extraction process


    Tharos, a Chile-based krill utilisation consultancy, has finished the onboard trialling of its novel process for extracting oils from krill caught in the South Antarctic Ocean.

  • It is hoped that New Zealand’s first feed will be operational by 2015

    First New Zealand feed mill


    Australian fish feed company Big Nutrition and New Zealand consultancy company Aquaculture Direct have determined that establishing an aquatic feed mill in Blenheim, Marlborough in New Zealand is viable.

  • Professor Stan Allen (R) talks oysters with Virginia Senator Mark Warner during a visit to the Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center at VIMS. Photo: David Malmquist

    Oyster patent wins professor Inventor of the Year Award


    Professor Stan Allen of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) and colleague Ximing Guo from Rutgers University have received the Inventor of the Year Award from the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame.