Latest News – Page 460

  • News

    Greenpeace: Reform needed in tuna longline fisheries


    In a new report, Greenpeace International says that a grave lack of regulations is hindering sustainable management of the world’s longline tuna fishery fleets.

  • Simon Hardcastle on one of the sea pens

    Falkland Islands trout farm completed


    A brown trout farm has been completed in the Falkland Islands for a pilot venture operated by Falklands based fishing company Fortuna.

  • News

    HB Grandi prepares for Icelandic stock market


    Icelandic fishing company HB Grandi is preparing to list the company’s shares on the Icelandic stock market.

  • Oceana wants a strict ban that would require all sharks to be landed with their fins still naturally attached Photo: NOAA

    Hidden shark catches


    A new report by Oceana has revealed that 24 countries may be catching sharks in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterannean Sea but failing to report them, as required by the Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

  • Atlantic bluefin tuna has made progress in the East Atlantic and Mediterranean

    WWF calls for bluefin tuna and shark conservation


    WWF is calling on the European Commission to ensure maximum efforts are made to conserve Atlantic bluefin tuna and sharks ahead of an annual meeting in Cape Town, South Africa.

  • News

    Scottish gear conflict initiative


    To tackle deliberate acts of gear vandalism at sea and help resolve conflicts within the fishing industry, the Scottish government is establishing a task force.

  • News

    Mainstream becomes Cermaq


    Now a fish farming company only, Cermaq has announced that it is changing the name of all of its Mainstream local farming companies to Cermaq.

  • Skipjack tuna. Credit: Wibowo Djatmiko/CC BY-SA 3.0

    MSC skipjack in Europe


    The first Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified canned skipjack tuna from the Central and Western Pacific oceans will soon be available in Europe.

  • ASC certified tilapia is now in the Belgian Fish Guide

    ASC products in Belgian Fish Guide


    For the first time, the Belgian Fish Guide will feature Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certified tilapia and pangasius.

  • Bakkafrost has ordered a live fish carrier from Rolls-Royce

    New live fish carrier for Faroese salmon producer


    Faroese salmon producer Bakkafrost has ordered a live fish carrier from Rolls-Royce, with expected delivery in June 2015.

  • News

    Catfish processor BAP certified


    The United States’ largest catfish farming and processing company, Heartland Catfish Co., has attained Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification for its Mississippi processing plant.

  • The move will enable Kampachi Farms to sell to the US market. Photo: Kampachi Farms, LLC

    OSM meeting proves fruitful


    UK seafood entrepreneur Toby Baxendale is investing in Hawaii-based Kampachi Farms, after meeting owner Neil Sims at the 2012 Offshore Mariculture Conference.

  • Wally Stevens

    GAA director to lead RAF


    Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) executive director Wally Stevens is stepping down from his position to take up a leadership role with the Responsible Aquaculture Foundation (RAF).

  • Anchovy

    Anchovy worth more as food than feed


    Canadian and Peruvian researchers have found that Peruvian anchovy is much more valuable as food for human consumption than as fishmeal.

  • News

    Ireland kickstarts CFP implementation


    Dr Noel Cawley has been appointed chair of the Discards Implementation Group in Ireland, which has been set up to ensure that the Irish fishing industry is fully prepared for the discard ban, a key part of the Common Fisheries Policy reform.

  • News

    Swedish freshwater fishery recertified


    The Swedish small-scale pike-perch fishery has been successfully re-assessed against the MSC environmental standard.

  • North Sea Cod – stocks are on the rise. But to buy or not to buy, that is the question?

    Buying cod with a clear conscience


    Seafish is challenging new advice from the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) which advises consumers to avoid eating North Sea cod because it should still be on the fish to avoid list.

  • The research determines the behaviour of young migrating salmon as they more from rivers to ocean waters for the first time. Photo: Zureks

    Understanding young salmon


    How fish fare during their first weeks in the ocean has a significant impact on their ability to survive into adulthood, says the US Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).

  • News

    US group calls for fishery disaster relief funds


    A group of 38 US lawmakers has urged Congressional leadership to approve $150 million in fisheries disaster funding to help support several struggling fisheries across the United States.

  • The report concludes that the acidity of the world’s ocean may increase by around 170% by the end of the century

    Ocean acidification may increase 170% this century


    A new international report has concluded that the acidity of the world’s ocean may increase by around 170% by the end of the century, bringing significant economic losses.