Latest News – Page 466

  • News

    Sustainable fish feed research


    The US Dartmouth College’s Class of 1978 Life Sciences building is using several hundred Nile tilapia in an experiment to develop sustainable fish feed.

  • Scotland's 12 Inshore Fisheries Groups have an annual budget of just £2m

    Improving Scotland’s IFGs


    The Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust (SIFT) is calling for “more ambition” in the management of Scotland’s coastal seas, which it says are massively under-resourced compared to England.

  • The PEI lobster fishery uses baited traps to catch American lobster. Photo: Martin Cathrae

    PEI lobster goes for MSC


    Canada’s Prince Edward Island (PEI) lobster fishery is to be assessed against the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification programme by an independent, third party.

  • The fishery catches around 10,000 tonnes of saithe each year. Photo:

    Sustainable Scottish saithe


    The Scottish Fisheries Sustainable Accreditation Group (SFSAG) saithe fishery has received Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • 'Kum Woong 101' Photo: Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF)

    EJF: Illegal fish due to arrive in Korea


    The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) has released an alert warning of the imminent arrival of illegal fish in the Korean port of Busan.

  • News

    Norway to slaughter sea-lice infected salmon


    As Norway orders the slaughter of two million sea-lice infested farmed salmon, the Salmon & Trout Association (Scotland) is questioning whether Scottish Government would ever take similar action.

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    EU-Mauritania deal agreed


    The European Parliament has voted in favour of the Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement between the EU and Mauritania.

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    Aquaculture award


    Dr Amir Sagi, Ph.D., a professor at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel, has received the 2013 Novus Global Aquaculture Innovation Award.

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    Regulation boost for Queensland


    The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) is looking to promote the growth of the state’s aquaculture industry in a bid to remain competitive.

  • Dardanel's entire tuna product line has gained FOS certificaiton. Photo: Marco Carè Marine Photobank

    Dardanel launches FOS tuna and baby clams


    Turkish canned and seafood producer, Dardanel Önentas Gida San. A.S., has achieved Friend of the Sea certification for its entire tuna and clams product line.

  • The new quota brings the anchovy fishery back into historically normal quota ranges. Photo: Paul Asman and Jill Lenoble

    Peruvian anchovy quota increased


    The Peruvian anchovy quota has been increased for the second fishing season, which begins in November.

  • Ole Christensen said better decisions need to be made

    Fisheries Committe member will fight for the sector


    Ole Christensen, member of the European Parliament Fisheries Committee, has officially opened the DanFish and DanAqua exhibition in Aalborg, Denmark.

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    Ocean protection


    The new government of Norway has committed to protecting valuable areas of the ocean from being impacted by petroleum activities.

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    'Arctic Prowler'


    The first large commercial fishing vessel built in Alaska, F/V ''Arctic Prowler'', has been christened at Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA)''s Ketchikan Shipyard.

  • Richard Benyon has been replaced as UK Fisheries Minister. Photo: DEFRA

    New UK Fisheries Minister


    As part of MP David Cameron’s government reshuffle, Richard Benyon has been replaced as UK Fisheries Minister by George Eustice.

  • Clinical research will focus around the development and documentation of aquatic vaccines

    Aquatic vaccine research


    Malta’s AquaBioTech Group has signed a three year contract with an option for a three year extension for clinical research on aquatic vaccines with Norway’s PHARMAQ AS.

  • Co-products from whisky can be converted into protein-rich feed for salmon

    Whisky feed for Scottish salmon


    Scotland’s booming whisky and salmon industries are to partner up to produce whisky-based fish feed to boost the sustainability of the salmon and fish farming sectors.

  • News

    ICES advice may help Iceland in mackerel dispute


    The International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has issued its latest stock advice for north-east Atlantic mackerel and has recommended a TAC of 889,886 tonnes - a 64% increase from the 2013 total.

  • Wong Wan will be issued with a new marine fish culture licence. Photo: WF Kwok

    Hong Kong issues fish culture licences


    Hong Kong’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) is to issue new marine fish culture licences to encourage advances in technology and best practices.

  • Icelandic haddock and saithe fisheries have been IRF certified

    Icelandic fisheries IRF certified


    Icelandic haddock and saithe fisheries have been certified by the Iceland Responsible Fisheries certification programme.