Latest News – Page 474

  • News

    UK ratifies Maritime Labour Convention


    The United Kingdom has ratified the International Labour Organization’s Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006).

  • The Night Orion Fell

    Salmon fishing and a traumatic tale


    Menakhem Ben-Yami reviews two very different fishing books.

  • Boarfish

    Ireland’s biggest fish resource is difficult to process


    Ireland is the leading EU quota holder of boarfish (Capros aper) at 56,666 tonnes.

  • News

    New fish farm service vessel


    Akdeniz Shipyard and Hordafor AS have signed a letter of intent for the building of a new fish farm service vessel.

  • Atlantic salmon

    Russia’s largest aquaculture plant


    Russian Salmon Company, one of Russia’s largest fish producers, has announced plans to establish a large-scale aquaculture complex in the Murmansk region of Russia, which will specialise on the production of juvenile Atlantic salmon and trout, reports Eugene Gerden.

  • Example price differences for commonly swapped species (8oz fillets)

    Seafood mislabelling – an expensive business


    In its latest report into seafood fraud, Oceana has found that commonly swapped species in the United States can cost up to twice as much as their cheaper counterparts.

  • The study was led by Aaron Watson and Allen Place

    The key to sustainable aquaculture


    For the first time scientists have been able to develop a completely vegetarian diet that works for marine fish raised in aquaculture, the key to making aquaculture a sustainable industry.

  • The new Hella marine floodlight addresses the needs of commercial vessels

    New heavy duty floodlight from Hella marine


    Hella marine is addressing the needs of commercial vessels with its new ultra heavy-duty AS 5000 LED floodlight.

  • Frinsa is ranked top in the Greenpeace report, but it is still not 100% sustainable in all of its tuna products

    No ‘green’ canned tuna in Spain


    Greenpeace Spain has published the first Spanish tinned tuna ranking, joining the global Greenpeace campaign for improved sustainability and transparency in the industry.

  • Plaice, lemon sole, monkfish and megrim have been tagged around Shetland

    NAFC undertakes fish tagging


    As part of a project on data deficient fish species, the NAFC Marine Centre’s Science and Technology department has tagged and released a range of different demersal fish species at various locations around Shetland.

  • Belize Aquaculture’s shrimp hatchery, farm and processing plant earned BAP certification on 26 July

    Three-star shrimp from Belize Aquaculture


    Belize Aquaculture Ltd. has become the first shrimp company in Belize and the second in Central America approved to offer three-star BAP shrimp.

  • Prawns fed with Novacq feed additive grow faster and are healthier

    Game changer for prawn industry


    After 10 years of research, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) scientists have perfected the Novacq™ prawn feed additive.

  • News

    Seafish appoints two new directors


    Seafish has recently appointed two new directors, who joined the organisation in July to help deliver and implement the group’s new corporate plan.

  • News

    Morpol closes US sales office


    Salmon processing company Morpol has announced that the US sales office, Morpol America, will close on 30 August 2013.

  • The NFI Crab Council has announced Ed Rhodes as its new executive director

    New executive director for NFI Crab Council


    Ed Rhodes has been announced as the new executive director of the NFI Crab Council.

  • Scallops. ©Yaroslav Osadchyy/

    Extra fishing days for UK scallopers


    In exchange for observing area closures the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has issued fishing vessel licence variations allowing UK scallop fishing vessels extra effort in the English Channel.

  • The students were presented with certificates last week

    Fishing course success


    A new three week fishing course designed to introduce people to the fishing industry has been well received by the local community in Looe, Cornwall, UK.

  • C-MAP MAX-N Wide screenshot

    New Jeppesen C-MAP MAX-N Wide cartography


    Jeppesen''s new C-MAP MAX-N Wide cartography, designed for popular navigation systems from global marine electronics company Navico, is now available to boaters worldwide.

  • News

    Sweden to modernise coastal radio network


    The Swedish Maritime Administration is investing SEK50m to improve and modernise the Swedish coastal radio network, the cornerstone of search and rescue activities in Swedish waters.

  • Chilean fishing vessels

    A new kind of future


    Chile’s fishing industry is at the crossroads of development with this year seeing a new law passed that is aimed at helping the country maintain its position as one of the world’s leading fishing nations. Adrian Tatum reports.