Latest News – Page 484

  • Fish stocks are on the increase in the north-east Atlantic

    Good news for stocks


    Although the focus has been on cod stock recovery in the North Sea recently, other north-east Atlantic assessed fish stocks are recovering well too.

  • No ISA has been found in BC salmon

    No ISA in British Columbia


    The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has reported that out of more than 4,000 samples collected and tested in British Columbia last year, all tested negative for infectious salmon anaemia (ISA).

  • News

    Indian clam fishery enters MSC assessment


    India’s short-neck clam fishery in the Ashtamudi Estuary has entered into MSC assessment.

  • The recommended shelf life for red king crab is five days for boiled and chilled clusters. Photo: NOAA

    Red king crab shelf life study


    Boiled and chilled clusters of red king crab have a recommended shelf life of five days, according to the latest shelf life study carried out by food research institute, Nofima.

  • News

    Skipper Expo Aberdeen 2014 dates announced


    Next year’s Skipper Expo Int. Aberdeen fishing show will be held on 30-31 May 2014 and a significant number of companies have already signalled their intention to exhibit.

  • Tuna inside the URI tank

    Establishing sustainable tuna aquaculture in Rhode Island


    Researchers at the University of Rhode Island and Greenfins are taking the first steps in the United States towards breeding yellowfin tuna in a land-based aquaculture facility.

  • News

    New cod farm for NSW


    A new sustainable cod farm has been opened in New South Wales - the largest aquaculture development of its kind in the Australian state.

  • News

    First ASC salmon audit


    The Bremnes Seashore AS farm in Norway is the first farm to be audited against the Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s (ASC) Salmon Standard.

  • Bering Sea shore

    Warming up relations in cold waters


    Back in 1867, President Andrew Johnson''s Secretary of State William Seward went shopping and returned home with a bargain: the whole and only Russian territory on the American continent – Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, which since 1859 was put on sale by the Russian Empire.

  • MSC certified seafood is now recommended by Seafood Watch

    MSC certified seafood recommended by Monterey Bay


    A new report by Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program has found that the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) chain of custody standard is the only wild capture certification programme to meet Seafood Watch criteria for environmental sustainability.

  • EMS has has a significant impact on shrimp in Southeast Asia. Photo: Philip Chou/SeaWeb/Marine Photobank

    EMS trigger found


    Research carried out on early mortality syndrome (EMS) at a Malaysian shrimp farm in Malaysia has revealed that the disease is triggered in ponds with a pH of 8.5 or higher.

  • The EC is considering  sanctions on all Faroe-caught herring. Credit: Claus Ableiter/ CC BY-SA 3.0

    Call to bar Faroese companies from BFFF


    The Scottish Pelagic Processors Association (SPPA) is calling on the British Frozen Food Federation (BFFF) to bar Faroese seafood companies from its membership.

  • Chinook salmon

    Chinook salmon bycatch rule implemented


    A new rule implemented by the North Pacific Fishery Management Council has put a limit on the number of Chinook salmon that can be killed as bycatch in the Central and Western Gulf of Alaska bottom trawl fisheries.

  • Great interest has been shown in the Aqua Nor Innovation Award

    Great interest in Innovation Award 2013


    Great interest has been shown in the 11th Aqua Nor Innovation Award so far, with 19 applications from Germany, Denmark, UK, Chile and Norway.

  • The report exposes human rights abuses associated with human trafficking in Thailand's fishing industry © EJF

    EJF report launched in Spain


    The Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) has launched its report ‘Sold to the Sea’ in Madrid, Spain.

  • News

    Aquaculture Europe 2014 announced


    The dates for Aquaculture Europe 2014 have been announced.

  • Discarded fishing nets. Credit: NOAA

    Carpet tiles out of abandoned fishing nets


    Nine thousand kilos of discarded fishing nets collected from beaches along the Danajon Bank, Philippines, have been collected and will be recycled into carpet tiles, as part of the Net-Works project.

  • The public have shown their support for low impact fishing. Photo: Markel Redondo/Greenpeace

    Public support for UK fishing quota


    The British public are showing their support for the ‘reshuffle’ in distribution of the UK’s fishing quota with a 110,000 strong petition.

  • It is estimated that less than 200 vaquitas currently survive. © National Geographic Stock/Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures / WWF

    Mexico approves measure to save vaquita


    The Mexican government has approved a new regulation to save a threatened porpoise, the vaquita, and to promote sustainable fishing in the upper Gulf of California.

  • Pink salmon

    Russian salmon fishery re-assessment


    The Iturup pink salmon and chum salmon fishery, the first Russian fishery to be MSC certified, has started the re-assessment process.