Latest News – Page 490

  • Naust Marine’s Spooling Gear

    Seattle welcomes Naust Marine


    Last year Icelandic company Naust Marine opened its subsidiary, Naust Marine USA, in Seattle.

  • News

    FAO launches Fishing Vessels Finder


    The FAO has launched its Fishing Vessels Finder (FVF) - a one-stop site to search for detailed information on individual fishing vessels.

  • Image of the modified net and video camera taken aboard  F/V Justice prior to the survey's departure. Photo courtesy of SMAST

    Groundbreaking video technology to improve stock surveys


    A new method of using video data collection to improve groundfish and flat fish stock surveys has been developed, which is showing promise to improve accuracy by increasing spatial coverage and to allow the conducting of surveys without fish mortality.

  • The Seafood Nutrition Partnership aims to improve the diet and health of Americans

    Group to promote health benefits of seafood


    A new coalition has been set up to address seafood deficiency in America and to build awareness of the health and nutritional benefits of seafood.

  • Greenpeace's 'Esperanza' headed to Mauritius to persuade the IOTC to address unsustainable fishing practices in the Indian Ocean Photo: Jiri Rezac / Greenpeace

    Greenpeace attacks IOTC efforts


    Greenpeace International has accused the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) of lacking in action to halt the decline of the region’s vulnerable tuna and taking measures to protect sharks.

  • WWF says EU fish stocks will take more than 100 years to recover. Photo: NEF

    EU fish stocks continue to suffer


    The World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) new scientific analysis has revealed that the recovery of overfished European fish stocks could take more than 100 years under the current EU proposals.

  • Ian Boyd said that MSY should be regarded as a limit, not a target. Credit: Macieklew/CC-BY-SA-2.5

    Little justification for MSY approach


    Andrew Martin looks at the MSY approach to fishing.

  • The last remaining males of the Mangarahara cichlid are on the brink of extinction. Photo: ZSL London Zoo

    Mangarahara cichlid facing extinction


    An urgent worldwide appeal has been launched by aquarists at ZSL London Zoo to find a female mate for the last remaining males of a critically endangered fish species, the Mangarahara cichlid (Ptychochromis Insolitus).

  • News

    Seafish new corporate plan


    UK pan industry body, Seafish, has announced that its new corporate plan has been signed by the four UK fisheries administrations, demonstrating their support for the organisation’s new strategic direction.

  • Europe's leading aquaculture researchers gathered at the second annual AQUAEXCEL meeting

    Aquaculture researchers cooperate


    Europe’s leading aquaculture researchers gathered for the second annual meeting of the Aquaculture Infrastructure for Excellence in European Fish Research (AQUAEXCEL) project last month in a bid to improve the efficiency of aquaculture production.

  • Fishing boats in Busan Port, South Korea. Credit: Flickr/calflier001/cc-by-sa-2.0

    Challenging times for South Korea


    South Korea’s fishing industry is navigating a challenging period as the government seeks a further reduction in fishing boat numbers along with further expansion of aquaculture production to ensure the long term sustainability of the fisheries sector, reports David Hayes.

  • Miko magnetic patch used for ermergency repair

    Miko patch saves catch


    The Norwegian Coastal Administration (NCA) has renewed its service agreement with Miko Marine for the emergency provision of magnetic and fabric patches for damaged vessels.

  • News

    Norwegian seafood export record


    The Norwegian Seafood Council says that the value of ithe country''s seafood exports totalled NOK4.4bn in April – a record increase of NOK795m or 22% on last year.

  • Greenpeace hopes the IOTC will improve records of vessels fishing for tuna. Photo: Jiri Rezac/Greenpeace

    Fishing capacity in Indian Ocean


    Greenpeace International has released a report, presented to delegates attending the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) in Mauritius last week, highlighting the lack of data on fishing capacity in the Indian Ocean.

  • Norway's KingCrab is now Friend of the Sea (FoS) certified

    KingCrab gets FoS certified


    Norwegian king crab fishery, KingCrab, has become Friend of the Sea (FoS) certified meaning that its live red king crabs will now carry the international sustainability seal of approval.

  • Coho salmon was one of the stocks successfully rebuilt in 2012

    Valuable US stocks rebuilt


    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) 2012 annual report to Congress on the status of US fish stocks reveals that a number of valuable American species have successfully been rebuilt.

  • After cyclone Nargis

    Malice and grief in Southern waters


    Menakhem Ben-Yami writes on the dangers fishermen face in Southern waters.

  • SSC is  installing a hydro-electric plant at its Russel Burn farm

    SSC builds hydro plant


    The Scottish Salmon Company (SSC) is developing a 500kW hydro electric plant at its Russel Burn farm to boost the site’s efficiency and healthy fish production.

  • Per Øyvind Swensen

    Good fishing for ‘Bolga’


    Longlining company Mustad Longline reports that things are going well for the 13m longliner ‘Bolga’.

  • Line caught haddock on sale at Marks and Spencer © Nofima

    22% extra for ‘line caught’


    A Nofima project has found that UK customers are willing to pay up to 22% extra for frozen cod or haddock if the product is marked ‘line caught’.