Latest News – Page 497

  • The NFFO says Greenpeace's claims against its Anglo-Spanish fleet are 'nonsense'. Photo: Stephen McKay

    NFFO slams Greenpeace evidence as ‘nonsense’


    The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) has dubbed Greenpeace’s recent claims that its Spanish fleet has been exploiting UK fishing quotas as ‘unqualified, assumption-based nonsense’.

  • Day Boat Seafood is now MSC certified as a US North Atlantic swordfish fishery

    Day Boat Seafood MSC certified


    Day Boat Seafood, a US North Atlantic swordfish, pelagic longline and handgear buoy line fishery, has been awarded MSC Certification.

  • News

    NAFC completes megrim project


    A project on the population structure of megrim on the Northern Shelf has recently been completed by Paul Macdonald, fisheries scientist at the NAFC Marine Centre, in conjunction with the University of Oviedo, Spain.

  • The fisheries minister is concerned that vessels owned by overseas operators are exploiting UK fishing quota

    NFFO under pressure over foreign vessels


    Following the announcement of a clampdown on foreign fishing vessels profiting from UK quotas, the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) is under pressure to reveal the amount of fishing quota held by its foreign controlled members.

  • F.T. Agro Food-1 has completed sea trials, and F.T. Agro Food-2 and F.T. Agro Food-4 will ready for trial by next month

    Bangladesh’s largest trawler completes sea trial


    The largest trawler in Bangladesh has recently completed a successful sea trial in the Bay of Bengal.

  • World demand for aquaculture supplies and equipment to grow 7.4% per year

    Aquaculture demand to exceed $63bn in 2017


    New research from market research firm The Freedonia Group, Inc. expects world demand for aquaculture supplies and equipment to grow 7.4% per year to $63.6 billion in 2017 at the farm gate level.

  • Mainstream Canada was “shaken and saddened” to discover a dead humpback at one of its farms. Credit: Mainstream Canada

    Dead whale found at Mainstream Canada farm


    Mainstream Canada has said that it was “shaken and saddened” to discover a dead humpback whale at its Ross Pass farm, north of Tofino, on 27 March and says it has never experienced an incident like it before.

  • News

    Barents Sea fishery enters assessment


    Russian companies ZAO Strelets and ZAO Eridan have entered their joint cod and haddock fishery into assessment for MSC certification.

  • Delivery of the well-boat is scheduled for early 2014

    Sølvtrans expands fleet


    Sølvtrans has signed a contract with Spanish shipyard Zamakona Yards for the construction of a new vessel for transporting live fish.

  • Seafish and BNF hope to educate children on the importance of eating seafood. Photo: Rob McDougall

    Seafish to educate children on seafood


    In an attempt to help the educate the UK’s children and young people on the benefits of eating seafood, Seafish is getting involved with the British Nutrition Foundation’s (BNF) first ever ‘Healthy Eating Week’.

  • Vietnam has the third highest import rejection rate. Photo: Kathleen Reaugh/Marine Photobank

    Vietnam fish export troubles


    In a bid to address Vietnam’s high import rejection rate in the international trade of fish and fishery products, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) organised a troubleshooting workshop.

  • An EU pelagic industry delegation is pressing the EC to implement sanctions against Iceland and the Faores. Credit: NOAA

    Delegation presses for action on mackerel


    An EU pelagic industry delegation met with European Commissioner Maria Damanaki on 26 March to express concern about the lack of progress in the mackerel dispute.

  • Mahon harbour. Credit: Carles Garcia-Roca, CC BY 2.5 ES

    Oceana warning over Balearics dredging


    Global ocean advocacy group, Oceana, has applauded the High Public Prosecutor of the Balearic Islands decision to stop dredging works at Mahón harbour, Menorca, until non-compliance issues are addressed.

  • Scientists confirm first two-headed bull shark. Courtesy of Patrick Rice, Shark Defense/Florida Keys Community College

    Scientists confirm first two-headed bull shark


    Scientists have confirmed the discovery of the first-ever, two-headed bull shark.

  • The Coast Guard confirms that a wreck discovered at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico by the BOEM is the fishing vessel Katmai. Credit: Petty Officer 3rd Class Ryan Tippets

    USCG identifies fishing boat missing for 40 years


    In December 2012 the Schmidt Ocean Institute research vessel ‘Falkor’ discovered the ‘Katmai’ which had been missing for 40 years.

  • Fish farmer Ishamel Amadu and colleagues harvesting fish in Chingale, Malawi. Photo: WorldFish Center

    Malawi aquaculture project receives funding


    A small-scale commercial aquaculture developed project in Malawi has received £337,000 from the Scottish Government’s International Development Fund.

  • The Seafish document compares the 2013 TACs with recommendations made by ICES

    Seafish analysis of 2013 TACs


    Seafish has compared the Total Allowable TACs agreed by the EU for 2013 with the scientific recommendations made the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) in a new document, available on the Seafish website.

  • Smaragd’s new trawler is being designed and built by Havyard Photo: Havyard

    New Havyard trawler for Smaragd


    The Havyard Group has been awarded the contract to design and build a new purse seiner/trawler for shipping company, Smaragd.

  • Founders of Xelect, Professor Ian Johnston and Thomas Ashton. Photo: Ian Johnston

    Xelect launched to improve fish health


    Scotland’s St Andrews University has launched a new company, Xelect, in a bid to improve the health and quality of fish with support from local law firm, Murray Donald.

  • News

    Catch shares – who to believe?


    With the onset of the 21st century, the US fisheries management administered by NOAA Fisheries has been promoting and implementing individual and tradable quotas (ITQ), which with time gained a new name – ‘catch shares’.