Latest News – Page 498

  • A market stall selling seafood in Osaka

    Japan seeks to boost seafood consumption


    The Japanese government and fishing industry are stepping up efforts to halt the long term decline in seafood consumption during the past two decades and reverse the recent trend for meat consumption to outpace fisheries products in the national diet, reports David Hayes.

  • Retailers are trying to reassure customers that they are tightening up their traceability systems. Credit: Tesco

    Labelling must be accurate or suppliers will suffer


    Andrew Martin looks at how the horse meat scandal could impact on the seafood industry.

  • Salmon smolt. Credit: Frank Gregersen, © Nofima

    Training camp for salmon smolt


    A new project coordinated by Nofima aims to improve the survival rate and health of salmon smolt transferred to cages at around one year old.

  • RSPB is renewing calls to protect seabird populations in EU waters

    Protection needed for seabirds


    Following a new study about how the recent EU ban on fish discards could have a significant short term impact on some seabirds, conservationists are calling for urgent marine protection in European waters.

  • The Argo Merchant oil spill - the ship broke apart and spilled its entire cargo of 7.7 million gallons of No. 6 fuel oil. Credit: Doug Helton, NOAA/NOS/ORR

    Pew drops anchor in Europe


    The American NGO Pew Charitable Trusts is spending millions of dollars financing NGOs that deal with marine conservation by coming into public and legal conflicts with the American fishing industry and management, reports Menakhem Ben-Yami.

  • News

    Fish farm application rejected


    The Nova Scotia government has not approved an application by Snow Island Salmon for a new salmon aquaculture site in Shoal Bay, near Sheet Harbour, Halifax Regional Municipality, following a 22-month-long review process.

  • The egg vessels are passed horizontally into the pressure chamber

    New line for automated egg handling and fertilisation


    Aqua Gen is installing a new automated production line that ensures standardised and optimal treatment and fertilisation of the newly stripped eggs.

  • News

    GAA seeks award candidates


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance is looking for candidates for the inaugural Global Aquaculture Innovation Award.

  • AKVA group has won a new contract for the delivery of its cage farming technology to National Prawn Co.

    AKVA wins National Prawn Co. contract


    AKVA group has won a new contract worth over US$10m for the delivery of its cage farming technology to National Prawn Co. (NPC) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • The ECsafeSEAFOOD project partners at the kick-off meeting in Lisbon in February

    New project to assess contaminants in seafood


    A new €5m project to address the challenge of assessing seafood safety issues relating to contamination has been launched.

  • The Poseidon Remote Controllable Trawl Doors

    Revolutionary doors from Polar


    Polar Fishing Gear’s Poseidon Remote Controllable Trawl Doors have completed successful sea trials onboard the 70m Icelandic research vessel, Árni Fridriksson.

  • Fishcable is a mix of an effective and durable wire rope and a unique grease formulated in France

    New environmentally friendly wire rope


    Asia One Marine has introduced its Fishcable this year, which aims to reduce pollution caused by ropes greased with petrol based or synthetic chemical greases.

  • The Gisborne and Wellington/Hawkes Bay rock lobster fisheries catch limits will be increased from 1 April. Credit: Stemonitis/CC BY-SA 3.0

    New NZ shellfish catch limits


    Catch limits in New Zealand have been increased for rock lobster (crayfish), scallops and surf clams.

  • FoodChain Europe’s food fraud conference takes place on 21 May

    Food fraud conference


    FoodChain Europe, the company which advises the food industry on meeting its legal obligations and a leading authority on food authenticity, is hosting its second food fraud conference on 21 May in Birmingham, UK.

  • News

    EP votes on deep-sea fishing


    European Parliament has voted today on a proposal to amend the conditions for deep-sea fishing in the North-East Atlantic Ocean.

  • Patagonian toothfish

    Argentine Patagonian toothfish fishery enters assessment


    The Argentine Patagonian toothfish fishery operating in Argentine Federal Continental Shelf waters has entered into full MSC assessment.

  • News

    Florida seafood sales total $18m at trade show


    Seven Florida companies sold more than $18 million of seafood products at the three-day International Boston Seafood Show this month.

  • The study has found that shark populations in the Mediterranean and Black Sea risk extinction if current fishing pressure continues. Credit: FAO

    Mediterranean and Black Sea sharks risk extinction


    A new FAO study has found that shark populations in the Mediterranean and Black Sea have dropped dramatically over the last two centuries and now risk extinction if current fishing pressure continues.

  • Indonesia's pole-and-line skipjack fishery is gearing up for MSC certification

    Jakarta skipjack fishery seeks MSC certification


    In a bid to capitalise on the increase in international demand for sustainably managed pole-and-line and hand-line caught fish, Jakarta’s skipjack fishery is gearing up for Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • Only three samples were mislabelled in the latest DNA test

    Latest MSC DNA testing results


    The latest results of the MSC’s DNA testing program have been published and have found that the overall mislabelling rate for MSC certified products was 1%, or just three mislabelled samples.