Latest News – Page 504

  • News

    Last call for Scottish aquaculture Awards


    The Crown Estate has issued a final call for entries and nominations from those who wish to participate in the 2013 Scottish Marine Aquaculture Awards.

  • Spain will submit its Multi-Year Strategic Plan for Spanish Aquaculture by the end of this year © Magrama

    Spain working on Strategic Plan for aquaculture


    The Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment is working on a Multi-Year Strategic Plan for Spanish Aquaculture, to be submitted to the European Commission before the end of this year.

  • Scottish fishermen are developing new prawn trawls which are designed to reduce discards. © Henry Wolcott/Marine Photobank

    Scots develop new trawls to cut discards


    Scottish fishermen who are fed up with “unworkable” European regulations are developing new prawn trawls which are designed to reduce discards.

  • SSMG rope grown mussels was one of the alternatives on offer

    Campaign success for Scottish mussels


    UK food retailer, Sainsbury’s, recently launched its ‘Switch the Fish’ campaign in an attempt to encourage consumers to try less popular types of seafood, during which rope grown mussels from UK seafood producer, the Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG), were on offer.

  • News

    Tuna conference speakers announced


    The organisers of the 4th European Tuna Conference have announced the first speakers.

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    DigitalGlobe and Geoeye merge


    DigitalGlobe, Inc. and GeoEye, Inc. announced the completion of their merger at the end of January.

  • Test lab technician John Allen at work at the new facility

    New fishing rope development centre opens


    Rope manufacturer Bridon has invested £5m in the recently-launched Bridon Technology Centre (BTC), built for the development of fishing ropes.

  • Ibercisa will supply the fishing machinery for Andenesfiske’s new trawler. Credit: Tersan Shipyard

    Ibercisa breaks into Norway


    Spanish company Ibercisa has secured contracts for the supply of fishing machinery to three Norwegian trawlers.

  • Gloria Maris' meagre, sea bream and sea bass have been certified sustainable. Photo: Stan Shebs

    Gloria Maris certified sustainable


    Gloria Maris'' aquaculture farm, on the French island of Corsica, has been certified sustainable by international certification body, Friend of the Sea.

  • News

    NFFO: Greenpeace should focus on the fishermen


    The National Federation of Fisherman’s Organisations (NFFO) has offered to meet with Greenpeace to identify more ‘real and tangible ways’ the organisation can contribute to the sustainable and commercial goals of the UK fishing industry.

  • News

    SRT to provide AIS to India


    Software Radio Technology Plc (SRT) has received an order for 500 Identifiers from its Indian customer, to be delivered before the end of April this year.

  • Following a successful trial, Chinese fishing vessels will be using Beam terminals for satellite communications

    Chinese order worth $1m for Beam


    Following a successful trial and acceptance of its technology, Beam Communications Pty Ltd has received a US$1m order from Beijing Marine Communications & Navigation Company (MCN) for the supply of Beam Inmarsat marine satellite terminals.

  • The RFS was developed by Seafish to raise standards in the catching sector

    Morrisons commits to safety


    UK supermarket Morrisons has become the first food retailer to announce new commitments to the health and safety of the fishermen supplying its seafood.

  • The IFFO has welcomed the European Parliament's decision to ban discards in EU waters. Photo: Henry Wolcott 2005/Marine Photobank

    IFFO welcomes discards ban


    Andrew Mallison, director general of the International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation (IFFO), has welcomed the European Parliament’s vote to introduce a ban on discarding fish in EU waters.

  • News

    Greenpeace: NFFO forced into ‘embarrassing climb-down’


    Greenpeace’s recent report ‘Wolf in Shrimp’s Clothing’ has caused quite a stir.

  • Pacifical tuna will be the second canned MSC certified product offered by NorgesGruppen

    Pacifical tuna for Norwegian retailer


    Unil AS, the Norwegian purchasing unit responsible for the private labels of the country’s largest retailer, NorgesGruppen, is calling on tuna fishing companies and processors to catch and supply sustainable skipjack tuna in the Western and Central Pacific region.

  • News

    Fisheries sector disappointed with CFP vote


    Following yesterday’s vote in the European Parliament, Europêche and the Copa-Cogeca Working Party on Fish have acknowledged the support expressed by MEPs for an ambitious CFP reform, but said at the same time they felt disappointed.

  • News

    NFFO welcomes EU vote


    The National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) has welcomed the European Parliament vote this week for sweeping reforms of the Common Fisheries Policy, but it has warned about the dangers of practical implementation.

  • The BlueTraker VMS Terminal. Photo:

    AST-EMA consortium receives type approval


    After winning the UK fisheries tender for new the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) and Electronic Reporting System (ERS), based on the BlueTraker® VMS, the AST-EMA consortium has been awarded type approval.

  • News

    Scottish caught mackerel IS sustainable


    Despite the recent negative press regarding mackerel, the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association wants to reassure consumers that Scottish caught mackerel is sustainable and meets all of the Marine Conversation Society’s sustainability credentials.