Latest News – Page 515

  • The ‘Eileen Louise’

    New workboat for Hebridean Mussels


    British boatbuilder, Alnmaritec has delivered its latest Wave Worker vessel to Hebridean Mussels, one of Scotland’s leading live mussel suppliers.

  • News

    NOAA withdraws TED proposal


    Based on new data collected this summer, NOAA is withdrawing a proposed rule to require turtle excluder devices (TEDs) for skimmer trawls, pusher-head trawls, and wing-net trawls in the southeast shrimp fisheries.

  • Bridon Neptune Quay

    Industry gathers at launch of rope factory


    Industry leaders from companies including Heerema, NOV, and Certex assembled in Northern England at the end of November to watch UK business minister Michael Fallon open a facility that will manufacture the world’s largest ropes.

  • MSPEA has become the first Indian Ocean tuna fishery to gain MSC certification

    Maldives skipjack fishery gains MSC


    Pole and line skipjack fishery, Maldives Seafood Processors and Exporters Association (MSPEA), has become the first Indian Ocean tuna fishery to gain the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification.

  • The new BAP standards for finfish and crustacean farms now apply to all types of production systems. Photo: Stephen McGowan/Marine Photobank 2006

    GAA invites public comments on new BAP standards


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) is inviting the public to submit comments on a draft of the new Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) standards for finfish and crustacean farms.

  • Keith Decker, president and chief operating officer of High Liner Foods (USA) Inc

    High Liner completes Icelandic integration


    Canada headquartered High Liner Foods Inc. has completed the final stages of its Icelandic USA integration less than a year after the acquisition of the Icelandic Group’s US assets.

  • Customers can track their canned fish by inputting the code number at the top of each can into the online app

    John West can track across four species


    John West has announced the expansion of its unique ‘Can Tracker’ application to include its range of tinned salmon, mackerel and sardines, as well as tuna.

  • The IFI is concerned over the impact of the proposed salmon farm on wild salmon and sea trout stocks. Photo: Salmon Farm Protest Group/Marine Photobank

    Concerns over Ireland’s proposed offshore salmon farm


    The Board of Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) has raised its concerns over the impact of a proposed offshore salmon farm on wild salmon and sea trout stocks.

  • News

    Seafood plays its part in living longer


    People living in southern Europe suffer far less from coronary heart disease than those living in the north and the reason for this is that they eat a much better diet, reports Andrew Martin.

  • SEAC’s brand new FPM-400 machine for nobbing and filleting small fish. The machine will be on display at Seafood Processing Europe in Brussels at the end of April 2013

    SEAC to build brand new machines


    SEAC, which until recently had concentrated on completely renovating/rebuilding processing machines for small fish, is now designing and building brand new ones.

  • News

    Baltic salmon management plan approved


    The European Parliament has adopted a multiannual plan for salmon in the Baltic Sea, which applies stricter control and enforcement measures.

  • Data from a variety of sources is integrated to indicate the position of ships in real-time. © EU 2012

    JRC develops new software to fight piracy


    The EC’s Joint Research Centre has developed software to identify the position of ships in real time, to aid in countering piracy.

  • Ha Long Bay is highly polluted

    Pollution hits Ha Long Bay aquaculture


    According to reports the waters of Ha Long Bay in Northern Vietnam have extremely high levels of oil pollution, which is destroying the locals fishing livelihood.

  • The processing vessel BB Tauranga at the cage ready for harvesting. Credit: Kjell Ø. Midling © Nofima

    Gentle, rapid handling gives best salmon


    A project carried out at Marine Harvest by Nofima and the Institute of Marine Research has found that gentle and short-lived crowding and pumping of salmon from the sea cages to processing vessels is best in order to achieve good quality and a long shelf life of fillets.

  • More than 90% of world exports of pangasius are sourced from Vietnam

    ASC celebrates Vietnamese pangasius


    The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) recently held an event to celebrate the first five Vietnamese pangasius producers to gain ASC certification.

  • News

    Dutch razor clam fishery MSC certified


    The Producers’ Organisation of the Dutch Fishermen’s Association (DFA) razor clam fishery today became the first introduced species fishery in the world to be awarded MSC certification.

  • News

    EP to adopt salmon management plan


    Today the European Parliament will be voting to adopt a multiannual plan for salmon in the Baltic Sea.


    MARELEC presents new trawl control


    Belgian company MARELEC is presenting its latest trawl control system, MARELEC D.

  • Mackerel stocks have been mismanaged according to Oceana Photo: NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center

    NEAFC weak in ambition, says Oceana


    The 31st annual meeting of the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) was held recently in London – but it was weak in ambition, according to Oceana.

  • Iceland is concerned that it's voice in the mackerel debate has not yet been heard. Credit: NOAA

    Iceland hits back over mackerel


    Iceland has responded to Scotland’s accusation that its government is undertaking a “cynical propaganda exercise” by attempting to drive a wedge in the UK seafood industry with regards to the mackerel dispute.