Latest News – Page 526

  • Cod caught by trawling are slightly more exhausted than fish caught by autoline. © Nofima

    Nofima tests new catch handling methods


    Scientists at Nofima are testing new catch handling methods that can increase the value of the raw material from the trawler fleet, to equal the best fish caught by autoline.

  • Faroese cold water prawns. © Maresco A/S

    Prawn fishery enters MSC assessment


    Maresco A/S, a company specialising in shellfish, has entered the Faroe Islands North East Arctic cold water prawn fishery into assessment for MSC certification.

  • News

    ProActive Vessel Register growing


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has confirmed that 38 vessels have signed up for its ProActive Vessel Register (PVR), a database of vessels that have committed to improve fishing practices.

  • Coral reef. Credit: MAREANO/Havforskningsinstituttet

    MAREANO survey underway


    Research vessel ‘G.O. Sars’ embarked upon the 2012 MAREANO (Marine AREA database for Norwegian coastal and sea areas) autumn survey in mid-September.

  • The pet food industry may come under scrutiny by conservationists

    Cats in the firing line of fishfood debate


    A paper which outlines the need for a proper investigation of the impact of the pet food industry points out that Australian cats eat 33,500 tonnes of seafood per annum – both imported and produced in Australia.

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    EC to host state of fish stocks seminar


    The European Commission will host a seminar on the state of fish stocks in European waters on 26 September.

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    NFI publishes top 10 seafood list


    The USA’s National Fisheries Institute (NFI) has published its list of top 10 most consumed seafood items, with shrimp, canned tuna and salmon taking the top three spots.

  • Blue mussels (Mytilus sp.) under a wind generator, Lillgrund, Denmark.  © OCEANA/ Carlos Suárez

    Oceana blasts Danish dredging approval


    Oceana has said that it is deeply disappointed by the Danish Government’s recent approval of blue mussel fisheries inside two Natura 2000 sites in the Limfjord, Denmark.

  • 'JANK'

    Accident onboard ‘JANK’ results in safety recommendations


    An accident where a fisherman’s foot was severely injured by a falling warp block has given the Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board reason to issue safety recommendations to the owners of the fishing vessel.

  • News

    Lochhead hits back at misleading headlines


    Scottish Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead has responded to media reports that imply fish stocks are collapsing, calling them a distraction from Scottish efforts to fish sustainably.

  • Technicold’s 10 ton chiller rack

    Technicold selected for longliner


    Technicold by Northern Lights has been selected to supply the cooling and heating system on the environmentally friendly longliner Northern Leader.

  • Fisherman measuring a thornback ray

    EFF grant for shark and ray research


    A grant from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) of almost £200,000 is helping to empower commercial fishermen to research the inshore shark and ray fisheries of the southern North Sea (ICES division IVc).

  • The 'CCGS S Dudka' was unveiled last week

    Canada names another Coast Guard vessel


    Another new vessel in the Canadian Coast Guard fleet was named last week by the Honourable Keith Ashfield, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

  • Dutch Harbor, the top port with the highest volume of catch this year. Credit: NOAA

    US seafood landings reach 17-year high


    A new NOAA report shows that US seafood landings reached a 17-year high in 2011, thanks in part to rebuilding fish populations.

  • Atlantic scallop. Credit: NOAA

    Effects of ocean acidification researched


    NOAA has announced that three new research projects will receive funding totalling nearly $1.6m to examine the effects of ocean acidification on fisheries, and the coastal economies that depend upon them.

  • News

    Bycatch researchers work with fishers in Asia and South America


    Purse seine tuna fishers around the world are getting a real-time update on best practices to avoid bycatch thanks to a series of workshops facilitated by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF).

  • Linde’s new pioneering Innovation Centre for Aquaculture with 55 cubic metre test and demonstration tank in foreground

    Linde opens aquaculture centre in Norway


    Linde Gases has opened its state-of-the-art Innovation Centre for Aquaculture, a pioneering R&D and testing unit located at Ålesund in Norway.

  • Porbeagle sharks are considered vulnerable in the North East Atlantic. Photo: NOAA

    MMO advises on porbeagle shark landings


    The UK''s Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has issued advice on porbeagle sharks, following recent landings of the species in the North East Atlantic.

  • Fish farming companies in Turkey and from around the world will attend the Offshore Mariculture Conference 2012

    Shaping the future of mariculture


    The programme at the Offshore Mariculture Conference in Izmir, Turkey from 17-19 October will include an important plenary discussion on ‘The Governance of Mariculture in International Waters’.

  • News

    European Parliament supports finning ban


    The Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament has supported a strict ban on shark finning in EU waters and on EU vessels worldwide.