Latest News – Page 531

  • News

    First silver smelt fishery gains MSC certification


    The Faroese Great Silver Smelt fishery has been successfully MSC certified and is the first MSC certified silver smelt fishery in the world.

  • News

    WOC panel to discuss data collection from fishing vessels


    Senior fishing industry representatives and scientists will focus on the role of the fishing industry in collecting ocean, weather and climate data, and how to scale up these efforts.

  • Back row left to right: Billy Williamson (Whalsay), Ryan Galbraith (Lerwick), Arran Hunter (Bressay), Mark Fullerton (Instructor), Caroline Hepburn (Liaison Officer). Front row left to right: Ryan McGuinness (Dounby, Orkney), Kyle Stirling-Laude...

    Brand new fishing course underway


    A brand new ‘Introduction to Commercial Fishing’ course got underway at the NAFC Marine Centre on 20 August.

  • News

    First US Atlantic spiny dogfish fishery obtains MSC certification


    The United States east coast North Atlantic fishery for spiny dogfish, assessed as six separate units of certification, has been awarded MSC certification.

  • No quota sharing agreement was made during the meeting in London. © European Commission

    Still no agreement on mackerel


    On 3 September European Commissioner Maria Damanaki hosted a ministerial meeting in London, aimed at resolving the continuing dispute over mackerel quota allocations in the north east Atlantic.

  • News

    Oceana applauds EU/Norway initiative


    Oceana has welcomed the European Commission’s agreement to work with Norway to end discards in the Skagerrak.

  • News

    Gulf Council elects new members


    The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, during its August meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, elected a new chair and vice chair for the 2012-2013 Council year.

  • News

    ICES Annual Science Conference 2012


    The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) will hold its Annual Science Conference at the Scandic Bergen City Hotel in Bergen, Norway, 17-21 September 2012.

  • Rusnadi Padjung, deputy assistant for investment with the country's Ministry for Regional Development (KPDT)

    Indonesia hosts pole-and-line workshop


    Indonesia is hosting a workshop this week that will assess the economic and social benefits of supporting the country’s pole-and-line fishery.

  • Port of Callao fishing fleet

    APMT Callao supports local fishing community


    APM Terminals has signed an agreement with the Callao regional Government, the Peruvian Navy and the Artesian Fishing Community to help achieve sustainable fishing and safe practices within the local industry.

  • American shipowners from Seattle oversee the trials

    Trident vessel trials Ibercisa winches


    Trials of Ibercisa’s trawl winches are taking place in Vigo, overseen by a delegation of American shipowners, prior to installation onboard Trident Seafoods’ ‘Kodiak Enterprise’.

  • Previda promotes instestinal health, leading to healthier shrimp and fish. Photo: Philip Chou/SeaWeb

    Novus product wins innovation award


    Novus International Inc has won the 2012 North American New Product Innovation Award in Prebiotics for Animal Health for its new product Previda – a health and nutrition solution for aquatic species.

  • The EU and Norway are to end discards in the Skagerrak, according to a new proposal. Credit: Ingth25; Licence: CC BY 3.0

    EU and Norway to end Skagerrak discards


    According to a new proposal by the European Commission, the EU and Norway are to “harmonise technical and control measures for fisheries in the Skagerrak to ensure long-term sustainability of fish stocks”.

  • ICCAT is funding two research projects on Atlantic bluefin tuna. Credit: AFMA

    New Atlantic bluefin tuna research projects worth €1.5m


    The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) will be investing close to €1.5m in two big research projects on Atlantic bluefin tuna.

  • Nor-Fishing 2012 was a success

    Nor-Fishing 2012 - a busy exhibition


    Nor-Fishing 2012 has been declared a success by its organisers.

  • Greenpeace activists on an inflatable boat intercepted the world’s second largest factory fishing trawler, the FV ‘Margiris’. © Greenpeace

    Greenpeace intercepts super trawler


    Greenpeace activists on an inflatable boat intercepted the world’s second largest factory fishing trawler, the FV ‘Margiris’, and are blocking the ship’s entry into Port Lincoln in South Australia.

  • Research vessel ‘Simon Stevin’

    Damen delivers ‘silent’ research vessel


    Damen Shipyards Group has delivered the research vessel ‘Simon Stevin’ to its Belgian client DAB Vloot, the Flemish governmental fleet operator.

  • News

    Increase in fish value landed by UK fleet


    New statistics published today by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) show an increase in the value of fish landed by the UK fleet in 2011 compared with 2010.

  • News

    EFF deadline approaching


    Wednesday 12 September is the next deadline for applicants seeking grants from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) towards large or particularly technical projects.

  • McMurdo’s new R5 GMDSS VHF handheld radio

    McMurdo launches new R5 GMDSS VHF handheld radio


    McMurdo has launched its new R5 GMDSS VHF handheld radio, which boasts superior audio quality, rotary volume control and a large clear LED display.