Latest News – Page 540

  • Crown Prince Seafood exclusive tuna supplier, MMP, has joined the ISSF

    Crown Prince confirms sustainable sourcing


    Crown Prince Seafood has confirmed its commitment to more responsible fishing practices for all of the tuna it sources for its Crown Prince Natural line of products.

  • The Moira Elizabeth correctly using seabird mitigation devices as viewed from surveillance plane. Credit: AFMA

    Oz fishers compliant with seabird rules


    A series of surveillance flights over waters off New South Wales and Victoria has shown all boats following rules for compulsory usage of seabird mitigation devices in the Commonwealth South East Trawl Fishery.

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    Call for shark management measures


    Oceana has agreed with scientists of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT), who have called for caution in Atlantic fisheries for shortfin mako sharks.

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    $2.8m Novartis lab expansion complete


    Novartis Animal Health Canada Inc. has completed its US$2.8m expansion at the Novartis Centre for Aqua Research & Development on Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada.

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    Keynote speaker for OSM 2012


    Alessandro Lovatelli, Aquaculture Officer, Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service (FIRA), Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, FAO of the UN, has been confirmed as keynote speaker at the Offshore Mariculture Conference (OSM) 2012.

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    Effective management and incentives can rebuild fisheries sector, says OECD


    Governments looking to boost their fisheries sector should review their policies to create incentives for economically and environmentally sustainable fisheries, according to a new OECD report.

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    Norway accused of breaching ownership law


    The EFTA Surveillance Authority has sent a letter of formal notice to Norway, stating that its ban on controlling more than 25 % of fish farming concessions is in breach of the fundamental EEA right of establishment.

  • Oceana calls for a management plan for endangered Baltic salmon

    Oceana calls for management plan


    Oceana is disappointed with votes on the report by Marek Gróbarczyk adopted by members of the EU Parliament Fisheries Committee this week - it is pushing for stronger action to be taken.

  • Vaughan Tyson

    New appointment at Moray Seafoods


    Vaughan Tyson has been appointed shellfish business manager at Moray Seafoods.

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    New UK fishing industry report published


    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has published its latest statistical report The UK Fishing Industry in 2011: Structure and Activity.

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    ProActive Vessel Register to be reviewed


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has announced that MRAG Americas Inc. will serve as independent auditor of the ProActive Vessel Register (PVR).

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    DNA testing delivers positive results


    Independent DNA testing on randomly selected MSC-labelled products shows that the MSC traceability certification requirements continue to deliver a very high degree of consumer assurance.

  • The Scotian Shelf snow crab trap fishery is the first snow crab fishery in North America to become MSC certified. Credit: NOAA

    First NA snow crab fishery MSC certified


    The Scotian Shelf snow crab trap fishery has been awarded Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification as a sustainable and well-managed fishery.

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    Recreational rock lobster catch sold to undercover fishery officer


    A Christchurch man has been sentenced in Christchurch District Court for selling his recreationally caught rock lobster.

  • The Shortfin Mako is now a protected species. Photo: OCEANA/LX

    Sharks and rays protected in the Med


    Oceana has welcomed the news that the EU has finally voted in favour of strictly protecting ten threatened species of sharks and rays in the Mediterranean Sea, under Annex II of the Barcelona Convention.

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    HB Grandi begins production


    Production of herring and mackerel is in full swing at HB Grandi’s pelagic complex at Vopnafjördur.

  • The deal was struck in response to the overfishing of mackerel by Iceland and the Faroe Islands. Credit: NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center

    Fisheries Committee backs sanctions deal


    New rules giving the European Commission the power to ban EU imports of fish from overfished stocks and related species was unanimously endorsed by the Fisheries Committee on 11 July.

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    Seafish supports sustainable initiative


    Seafish has announced its support for the new Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI).

  • A report shows a new approach towards the balance between fishing capacity and opportunites is needed

    Changes needed for EU fisheries policy


    A new report published by the European Commission shows important changes within EU fisheries policy need to be made.

  • Fredag has added the Black Tiger Shrimp to its FOS range

    Fredag extends its Friend of the Sea offering


    Swiss seafood supplier, Fredag, has been able to extend its offer of Friend of Sea (FOS) certified products because its supply of Black Tiger and Vannamei Shrimps has recently gained FOS approval.