Latest News – Page 545

  • Greenpeace activists protest outside the EU fisheries council in Luxembourg Photo: Greenpeace

    Greenpeace targets EU Fisheries Council


    Greenpeace activists have targeted the EU Fisheries Council today in an attempt to urge ministers to rethink an agreement it feels could derail any chance of achieving improvements to EU fishing rules under a once in a decade reform.

  • Project Inshore will provide sustainability plans for traditional English fisheries

    Future plans for English fisheries


    A unique partnership of retailers, suppliers, NGOs and the fishing industry started a new project directed at the future sustainability of England’s traditional coastal fisheries last week.

  • Four new Perkins engines have been introduced as superior replacements for previous six-cylinder marine models

    Perkins introduces new six-cylinder engines


    Perkins has expanded its marine diesel engine offering to include four new low-revving, low-stressed engines for pleasure craft and light, medium and heavy duty commercial vessels.

  • Northern Leader’s main deck was completed ahead of schedule

    Northern Leader construction milestone


    One of the world’s largest commercial longliner fishing vessels has reached the important milestone of having the main deck completed ahead of schedule, only 10 weeks into the construction phase.

  • News

    Coveney outlines approach to end discards


    The Irish minister for agriculture, food and the marine, Simon Coveney, has tabled an approach to end the current practice of discarding of fish at sea.

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    Oceana criticises stock overexploitation in the EU


    Last week, the European Commission unveiled an updated assessment of the status of fish resources and established guidelines for the allocation of next year’s fishing opportunities.

  • Lisbeth Berg-Hansen and the manager of cod farming company Skei Marinfisk AS, Knut Elling Bråthen, look at a fry tank during a tour of the National Cod Breeding Centre in Tromsø. Credit: Wilhelm Solheim © Nofima

    Norway: Cod efforts to continue


    The Norwegian minister of fisheries and coastal affairs, Lisbeth Berg-Hansen, has promised further public investment in cod breeding, but only if the industry gets involved.

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    £3.5m boost for Scottish fishing


    The latest round of grants under the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) will give support to 68 projects across the Scottish sea fisheries, aquaculture and fish processing sectors.

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    MSC gets new Stakeholder Council members


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has welcomed five new members to its Stakeholder Council.

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    Scotland: Future of fishing to be decided


    The Scottish government has said that at today’s EU Council meeting “the fight to protect the future of Scotland’s fishing industry reaches boiling point”.

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    Ag & Fish Council meet today


    The Agriculture & Fisheries Council is meeting in Luxembourg today and is expected to reach political agreement on the two main proposals within the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy reform.

  • Shark fins. Credit: NOAA

    Bill to ban shark fin trade in New York


    Last week the New York Senate Environmental Conservation Committee voted in favour of a bill to ban the trade, sale, possession and distribution of shark fins throughout the state.

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    EC: Improvements for some fish stocks


    The European Commission has set out its intentions for fixing fishing opportunities for 2013, which it says shows that improvements made to end overfishing are working.

  • Shop selling fishery products in Tamshui, northern Taiwan

    Taiwan’s seeks closer cooperation with fishery-rich island nations


    The recent hijacking of the Naham 3 fishing vessel is the latest in a series of attacks by Somali pirates on Taiwanese boats fishing for tuna in the Indian Ocean, reports David Hayes.

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    Scots to benefit from new Omega 3 testing


    SNP MEP Alyn Smith has called for greater awareness of the benefits of Omega 3 after receiving his own test results at Stirling University''s world-leading Institute for Aquaculture.

  • Close up of the towed camer sled

    Seafish trials automated system to monitor environmental conditions in MPAs


    A new underwater video system has been trialled by Seafish to see whether fishermen themselves can monitor environmental conditions in marine protected areas (MPAs).

  • News

    European Fish Weeks raise awareness


    Today is World Oceans Day and OCEAN2012 is launching the third European Fish Weeks, when European citizens will organise public events to raise awareness of overfishing and of decision-makers’ responsibility to end it.

  • The EU-Norway fishing agreement for 2013 is up for discussion this week

    EU-Norway fish talks in Orkney


    Representatives from the European Commission and Norway will be discussing the EU-Norway fishing agreement for 2013 and beyond in Orkney this week.

  • Icebergs in Disko Bay. Credit: Algkalv (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)

    Maria Damanaki visits Greenland


    European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, is visiting Greenland on 7-9 June 2012.

  • Cheap, sustainable, house roof fish ‘tanks’ in Xiangjiaba village above the Jinsha river, Sichuan Province, China. © TW : EEC Photos

    Rio+20 - Turn off the lights?


    Fish, the oceans and secure jobs are core to a new ‘sustainable world’ plan, but there are worrying questions about the bill and cash to fund it.