Latest News – Page 556

  • Scientists have looked at new production lines and alternative uses for crab meal. Photo: Ronny Jakobsen © Nofima

    Useful by-products from king crab


    King crab tails are a little utilised resource, but a study has shown that boiled, peeled crab tails taste great and may be an ideal product for markets including restaurants.

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    Fish samples pass taste test


    Scottish scientists have been ‘taste testing’ fish collected from close to the Elgin platform, and have concluded that no taint of hydrocarbons has been found in the samples.

  • Northern Leader will be home ported in Kodiak upon completion next year

    Sustainable to the core


    Alaska leads the way through the unparalleled management of its rich fisheries resources

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    SIMBA software provides traceability


    Dynamic Systems, Inc. has announced the release of SIMBA Lite 2012, which is designed to provide fresh food processors the ability to process, label and track their products from “field or dock to customer”.

  • Horns Rev offshore wind farm. © DONG Energy  A/S

    Fish thrive around Danish wind farm


    The first Danish study into how one of the world’s largest wind farms affects marine life has shown that wind turbines and fish live quite happily together, with some species of fish actually increasing in number.

  • Worldwide overfishing is still an ‘unresolved concern’

    Worldwide overfishing continues


    Overfishing has brought about many challenges to the European fishing industry (see World Fishing & Aquaculture April 2012), but in the rest of the world those challenges are just as prominent and in many respects resolving them is even more urgent, writes Adrian Tatum. African waters, for example, have long ...

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    Echotec HD sonar solves the resolution issue


    Northstar Electronics, Inc, which previously signed a Letter of Intent to acquire Echotec Sonar, is announcing improvements in Echotec''s sonar image quality.

  • Shelagh Jane leaves for her delivery trip

    New aquaculture workboat from Alnmaritec


    Specialist aluminium boat builder Alnmaritec has announced the completion of ‘Shelagh Jane’ a new aquaculture workboat for service on a fish farm on the West Coast of Scotland.

  • Richard Benyon

    UK trial dramatically reduces discards


    Fishermen have radically cut the amount of fish they discard following the success of the UK Government’s ‘Catch Quota’ trials, Fisheries Minister, Richard Benyon has announced.

  • Scottish salmon. Credit: SSPO

    Leap in salmon value to Scottish economy


    The economic value of Scottish salmon farming leapt to an all-time high last year as confidence in the sector continues to grow, according to a new report.

  • Australian seafood. Credit: Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

    Australian food sector dishes up results


    The total value of Australian farm and fisheries food production increased by 17% in 2010-11, a new government publication has revealed.

  • Marine Harvest fish farm in Scotland. Credit: Marine Harvest

    Robertson nets Marine Harvest contract


    An £8 million contract to build a major new smolt facility for Marine Harvest has been awarded to the infrastructure, support services and construction group Robertson.

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    New arrangements for licence variations


    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is changing the way it notifies licence holders or nominees about variations to any part of their fishing vessel licence.

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    Oceana applauds requirement of turtle deflector dredges in Atlantic fishery


    Oceana has applauded the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for approving new regulations for the Atlantic scallop fishery that requires modified fishing gear where endangered sea turtles are present.

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    Patagonian scallops earn re-certification


    The Patagonian scallop fishery, within the Argentine Economic Exclusive Zone, has been re-certified to the MSC standard for sustainable, well-managed fisheries.

  • Fishguard RNLI lifeboat. Credit: RNLI

    Fishing boats give RNLI a demanding day


    The bad weather on Wednesday 4 April resulted in three fishing boats getting into difficulty and requiring RNLI assistance.

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    Another mussel fishery gets certified


    The Seafood Rømø East Jutland and Isefjord blue shell mussel dredge fishery in Denmark has been awarded MSC certification.

  • Seaweed.

    Could seaweed be the future of biofuel?


    Israeli scientists are currently searching for a renewable energy source that doesn’t endanger natural habitats, biodiversity, or human food sources.

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    Royal Frysk mussels obtain MSC ecolabel


    Three Danish mussel-harvesting vessels have successfully completed the assessment process for MSC certification.

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    Illegally caught sea urchins released


    Border guards in Russia’s Far East detained a Cambodian flagged fishing vessel carrying some 16 metric tons of poached live sea urchins, RAI Novosti reported.