Latest News – Page 562

  • News

    ESE celebrates 20th edition


    European Seafood Exposition (ESE), the world’s largest seafood trade event, began in April 1993 as a result of requests from European customers who attended International Boston Seafood Show who wanted to have a seafood specific event in Europe.

  • Scanbelt will present its new belt generation at SPE

    New belt generation


    At SPE ScanBelt will present the new generation of its S.50-801 belt series.

  • News

    Absorbent packaging and storage materials


    McAirlaids offers a range of absorbent materials for food packaging and storage, in cut pieces and rolls, which the company says improves pack appearance and product quality.

  • Ishida’s new QX-775-Flex tray sealer combines a compact design with high speeds for MAP trays of up to 15 cycles per minute

    A wealth of seafood packing solutions


    At SPE, Ishida Europe will demonstrate its range of packing solutions for the seafood sector, including the launch of a new tray sealer plus the latest multihead weigher, checkweigher and X-ray models.

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    BAP certifies Northern Harvest farm


    The Global Aquaculture Alliance has announced the Best Aquaculture Practices certification of Northern Harvest Sea Farms.

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    Scots Fisheries Secretary to open Fishing, Aquaculture and Seafood Expo


    Scottish Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead will officially open the ‘Fishing, Aquaculture and Seafood Expo – from Sea to Plate’ at the SECC in Glasgow, which runs from 22-24 March.

  • News

    Study: Shark fishery law is too liberal


    Shark fins are worth more than other parts of the shark and are often removed from the body, which gets thrown back into the sea.

  • An escaped salmon caught here may be able to be traced back to its owner. Scientists are now testing out various traceability methods. Credit: Frank Gregersen, Nofima

    Tracing escaped farmed salmon


    Physical marking of farmed salmon and DNA tracing will now be tested as methods of finding out if a salmon in the sea or river is an escaped farmed salmon and, if so, which farm it comes from.

  • Fish around a FAD. Photo: Heath Folpp

    New funding for bycatch projects


    The International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) has announced new contributions from three organisations that will support at-sea science projects with the goal of reducing bycatch in tuna fisheries.

  • AFMA works hard to ensure fishing operations do not harm the environment including Australian sea lions. Photo: J. Brook

    AFMA closes second area in scalefish and shark fishery following sea lion deaths


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority has closed zone B of the Australian Sea Lion Management Zone following confirmation that three Australian sea lions died there when they were caught in gillnets in February.

  • News

    Skipper Expo the most successful to date


    Skipper Expo International Galway 2012, held 24-25 February, came to an end with satisfied customers, new contacts and excellent business being done over the two days of the event.

  • A moderate level of fishing – spread across a wide range of species, stocks and sizes – can achieve high catch levels while conserving biodiversity. Credit: CSIRO

    Diverse catch is better for ecosystems


    Fishing for a ‘balanced harvest’ can achieve productive fisheries as well as environmental conservation, an international scientific team reports in the journal ‘Science’.

  • Fishermen arriving at Mpende Fisheries on the shores of Lake Tanganyika to sell their fish to the company

    New Zambian fish farm development project


    Fusion Marine Ltd has won a £0.5m contract to supply fish farm pens and associated aquaculture equipment for a new tilapia farming venture in Zambia.

  • News

    WFC lands sixth keynote speaker


    The World Fisheries Congress (WFC) has announced that James L. Anderson, The World Bank’s leader of Global Program on Fisheries and Aquaculture (PROFISH) will speak at the Congress in May 2012.

  • News

    NFI Crab Council welcomes new member


    Mobile Alabama-based Carrington Foods has joined the National Fisheries Institute’s Crab Council.

  • Morrisons plans to launch its own seafood processing business

    Morrisons to process seafood


    UK supermarket Morrisons has announced plans to launch its own seafood processing business to deliver quality fish into its stores.

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    New innovative X-ray machine


    Detectronic A/S is launching a new, innovative and compact X-ray machine for the food industry.

  • Fillets as smooth as a mirror

    Baader focuses on whitefish


    The first steps in Baader’s new advanced Whitefish Processing Line will be shown at SPE - the BAADER 582 Filleting Machine and the BAADER 59 Skinning Machine.

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    AFOS to launch mini defroster


    AFOS is launching a new mini defroster, which measures just one cubic metre in size, at SPE.

  • News

    PROFISH: Is it also pro-fishermen?


    In 2005 the World Bank (WB) created the Global Partnership on Fisheries (PROFISH) in association with key donors and stakeholders.