Latest News – Page 572

  • Steelhead trout Photo: John McMillan, courtesy of Oregon State University

    Hatcheries cost fish ability to survive in wild


    A new study has revealed that the impact of a hatchery environment on steelhead trout is so profound that in just one generation genetic traits are developed that cost fish the natural ability to be able to survive in the wild.

  • News

    Tasmania rock lobster catch unchanged


    The Tasmanian Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Bryan Green, has announced that the total allowable catch for rock lobster in Tasmanian waters will be unchanged for the 2012-2013 season.

  • The Exmouth Mussel Company has entered into MSC assessment

    Exmouth mussels enter MSC assessment


    Exmouth’s award-winning mussel fishery has entered MSC assessment.

  • AM Seafoods’ new £1.5m facility will double its production capacity

    Processor doubles production capacity


    Scallop and whelk processor, AM Seafoods, has a new £1.5m facility that will double its production capacity.

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    North Pacific buys Red Salmon plant


    North Pacific Seafoods, Inc. has signed an agreement to purchase the assets of the Red Salmon seafood processing plant in Naknek, Alaska from Yardarm Knot, Inc.

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    High Liner acquires Icelandic Group's US and Asian operations


    High Liner Foods Incorporated has completed the acquisition of Icelandic Group''s US and Asian operations for US$232.7m.

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    Boost for aquaculture in rent review


    The Crown Estate is to increase its annual investment in aquaculture research and development to over a quarter of a million pounds from 2013, continuing to support a sector which is vital to the Scottish economy.

  • R/V Investigator. Graphic courtesy of Alion Science

    CSIRO awards deck machinery contract


    Rapp Hydema and Triplex have been awarded a deck machinery contract for Australia''s Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization (CSIRO).

  • Merry Christmas from all at World Fishing

    Season’s Greetings from World Fishing


    World Fishing & Aquaculture will be taking a short break between Christmas and the New Year, so we would like to take this opportunity to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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    NFI Crab Council welcomes new crab sustainability group


    The Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) has formed its own Crab Council as part of its Seafood Committee that will work on Blue Swimming Crab sustainability projects.

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    Coveney: Record outcome for Ireland


    Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney, has said that he is “delighted” with the outcome of the December Fisheries Council.

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    Hokkaido fishery enters MSC assessment


    The Hokkaido Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations (Hokkaido Gyoren) has entered its Kitami Hokkaido fall chum salmon set net fishery for MSC assessment, the fifth Japanese fishery to enter assessment.

  • The vessel have capacity to stow 196t of frozen tuna. Haig-Brown photos courtesy of Cummins Marine

    Tuna longliners for Fiji


    In December four identical longliners set sail from Shandong Province in China to Fiji.

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    MSC: Fisheries engaged in shark finning will not be certified


    At its December 2011 meeting held in Berlin, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Board of Trustees resolved that fisheries engaged in shark finning would not be eligible MSC certification.

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    WFC lines up a further keynote speaker


    The World Fisheries Congress (WFC) has announced that Professor Katsumi Tsukamoto of The University of Tokyo will join its roll of distinguished keynote speakers at the Congress, in May 2012, in Edinburgh, Scotland.

  • “It appears that the EU intends to negotiate joint fisheries management by intimidation,” said Prime Minister Johannesen

    Faroese PM criticises EU on mackerel


    The Faroe Islands’ Prime Minister has criticised the “unconstructive and confrontational” approach being taken by the EU Commission on the issue of joint management of mackerel fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic.

  • “After two days of tense and frustrating negotiations I am delighted to have secured the best deal possible for the UK fishing industry and ensure the future sustainability of our fish stocks,” said Richard Benyon, Minister for the Natural Envir...

    UK victory in fisheries negotiations


    The UK Government has secured a victory for the fishing industry by stopping a massive cut in the number of days that fishermen are allowed to spend at sea.

  • The EC has implemented a cut of between 15% and 25% in the number of days that whitefish and prawn fishing vessels can put to sea in 2012. Credit: Wiki/Stephen McKay

    Scottish fishing days slashed


    At the weekend, the EU Fish Council in Brussels decided on catching opportunity for 2012, with Scottish days at sea being cut.

  • Cumbrian employees are heading uncertainly into 2012

    Cumbrian employees facing uncertainty


    Following the announcement of the acquisition of Cumbrian Seafoods by Lion Capital a few weeks ago, the company’s former employees are still in a precarious position in the run up to Christmas.

  • News

    PNA certification upheld


    An Independent Adjudicator has upheld the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) unassociated purse seine skipjack fishery.