Latest News – Page 586

  • PV300 fish pump sold to Rammi

    Two Iras machines sold at Icefish


    During the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, Danish company Iras, in cooperation with Icelandic distributor Varma & Vélaverk ehf, sold two machines to the fishing industry.

  • News

    10th Icefish Exhibition officially open!


    The ceremony was attended by over one hundred honorary guests and exhibitors from many of the 34 countries that are represented at the exhibition. In all, about 500 companies have stands at this year's exhibition which is about the same number as the last event held 2008. In ...

  • Markus

    Trawl door contract signed at Icefish


    On the first day of the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, Faroese company Rock Trawl Doors signed a contract with Qajaq Trawl from Greenland, for a pair of trawl doors.

  • The Icelandic Fisheries Awards Winners 2011

    Icelandic Fisheries Awards Winners 2011


    The 2011 Icelandic Fisheries Awards were presented at a reception last night (22 September 2011) at the Gerdasafn Art Museum in Kópavogur.

  • News

    Scottish salmon and sea trout statistics


    Scotland''s Chief Statistician has published the salmon and sea trout fishery statistics for the 2010 season.

  • Researchers from NOAA Fisheries and the Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife use sonar to study fishing techniques that improve selectivity and reduce bycatch on a commercial flatfish trawler. Credit: NOAA

    NOAA’s first national bycatch report out


    A new NOAA report of data collected in 2005 will help the agency’s scientists better monitor progress in reducing bycatch, according to the organisation.

  • Aker Seafoods has an agreement with STX OSV AS to build three modern trawlers

    Aker Seafoods orders three new trawlers


    Aker Seafoods has concluded an agreement with STX OSV AS to build three modern trawlers.

  • News

    Ibercisa at Icefish 2011


    Ibercisa will be participating at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition from the 22-24 September in Iceland.

  • Scotland has welcomed a major boost for fishermen thanks to langoustine deal with Sainsbury's

    Sainsbury's Scottish langoustine deal


    Richard Lochhead and Dave Thompson have welcomed the move from UK supermarket Sainsbury''s to source freshly caught langoustines from fishermen off the West Coast of Scotland.

  • News

    Icelandic Fisheries Awards tonight!


    Winning an Icelandic Fisheries Award is now seen as a true accolade which means the Awards are highly coveted and very hotly contested.The fifth Icelandic Fisheries Awards will be held tonight, the opening night of the Exhibition. Taking place at the beautiful Gerðarsafn Art gallery, the Awards were ...

  • News

    Funding boost for Northumberland


    Northumberland’s fish producers and harbours are benefitting from over £100,000 of European funding.

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    Upplýsingar fyrir sýningargesti


    Íslenski fiskveiðiflotinn er búinn öllu því besta sem nútímatækni hefur upp á að bjóða en í honum er að finna 1.582 skráð fiskiskip sem landa árlega 1.125 milljónum tonna af fiski. Bæði skipstjórar og eigendur uppfæra reglubundið flota sinn með nýjasta búnaði og Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin færir sýnendum besta mögulega ...

  • News

    Information for visitors


    Skippers and owners update and modernise their fleets frequently and the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition provides exhibitors with the ideal opportunity to meet and discuss new requirements. The Exhibition covers every aspect of the commercial fishing industry from catching and locating to processing and packaging, right through to marketing ...

  • Icefish will open its doors today

    Icefish opens today!


    The 10th Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition will be formally opened today, 22 September, in Smárinn, Kópavogur, Iceland.

  • The Aquapod®

    "Velella" to revolutionise aquaculture


    Marine biologists at Kampachi Farms (formerly with Kona Blue Water Farms) are exploring new submersible Aquapod® pen technology and an innovative mariculture system that drifts on open ocean currents.

  • Loggerhead turtle. Credit: NOAA

    Loggerhead sea turtle listing revised


    NOAA and the US Fish and Wildlife Service have issued a final rule changing the listing of loggerhead sea turtles under the Endangered Species Act.

  • News

    MSC certification for Swedish North East Atlantic mackerel fishery


    The Swedish Pelagic Producers Organisation (SPPO) North East Atlantic mackerel fishery has been certified as sustainable against the MSC environmental standard for sustainable and well managed fisheries.

  • The EC has proposed its fishing opportunities for the Baltic Sea. Credit: Skarabeusz

    EC proposes Baltic Sea opportunities


    The European Commission has tabled its proposal on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea for 2012.

  • News

    Interest in certification highlighted


    FCI is currently engaged in a wide range of certification assessments for the Marine Stewardship Council standard in northern Europe, underlining the surge of interest for the certification of fisheries.

  • The Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition opens its doors next week

    IceFish 2011…one day to go!


    The Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition will open its doors tomorrow.