Latest News – Page 610

  • News

    Global X Funds launches first Fishing Industry ETF


    Global X Funds, the New York based provider of exchange traded funds (ETFs), has launched the Global X Fishing Industry ETF (Ticker: FISN).

  • For the year to date, the value of exports of Norwegian salmon stands at NOK10bn. Photo: Astrid Hals ©NSEC

    Norway: 32 months in a row of record salmon exports


    Exports of Norwegian salmon in April 2011 totalled a record setting value of NOK2.6bn, an increase of 16% or NOK356m compared to April last year, according to the latest figures from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council.

  • Norwegian seafood exports increased both in April and the first our months of 2011. Photographer: EFF ©Lauritzen og Westhammer

    Norwegian seafood exports up in April


    The value of exports of Norwegian seafood in April totalled NOK4.2bn, an increase of NOK587m (16.3%) compared to April 2010, according to figures from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council.

  • After a year of using e-Log software skipper Nick Williams prefers the new technology over the old paper-based reporting method

    Australian skippers prefer e-Logbooks


    Using an electronic logbook to report catch and effort data to AFMA is proving to have real benefits for both AFMA and the industry.

  • News

    MCS: Labelling makes consumer choice hard


    The Marine Conservation Society (MCS) has launched its most comprehensive sustainable seafood guide, the Good Fish Guide.

  • News

    SFF: Monumental challenges ahead for Fisheries Minister


    Following last week’s election results and with the new Scottish Cabinet team to be announced within the next week, it looks likely the fishing industry will see the return of Richard Lochhead as Fisheries Minister.

  • This year to date, exports of pelagic fish are valued at NOK2.8bn, 23% more than in the same period last year. Photo: Johan Wildhagen ©NSEC

    High herring prices = record exports


    The value of Norwegian exports of pelagic fish in April 2011 totalled NOK402m, an increase of NOK160m (60%) compared to April 2010.

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    New Sri Lanka tuna FIP


    The Sustainable Fisheries Partnership has formally launched the Sri Lanka Fisheries Improvement Partnership (FIP).

  • News

    GAA Boston session addresses seafood shortage


    The crowd at the GAA''s session during the International Boston Seafood Show heard experts address the massive expansion of global seafood demand that will soon face the aquaculture industry.

  • Berwick all-weather lifeboat with the upturned fishing boat. Credit: RNLI/Michael Avril

    Berwick lifeboat crew rescues two fishermen


    Berwick lifeboat crew rescued two local fishermen after their fishing boat capsized, leaving them clinging to the side of their upturned vessel for 90 minutes before the alarm was raised.

  • News

    FCI awarded accreditation for GlobalG.A.P. CFM v 2 Standard


    Food Certification International (FCI) has become the first European based certification body to be awarded accreditation to inspect and certify aquaculture feed production plants against a new Global Feed Manufacturers Standard.

  • News

    SFF congratulates Mike Park on WWF award


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) has welcomed the news that Mike Park, chief executive the Scottish Whitefish Producers Association, has received the WWF Award for Conservation Merit 2011.

  • News

    AQUA 2012: Global aquaculture - securing our future


    The Boards of Directors of the European Aquaculture Society (EAS) and the World Aquaculture Society (WAS) have announced that the AQUA 2012 event will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from September 1-5 2012.

  • News

    Gulf Council to convene vessel monitoring system advisory panel


    The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council will convene its Vessel Monitoring System Advisory Panel 24-25 May 2011 in Tampa, Florida.

  • News

    Forum on marine spatial planning in US


    The World Ocean Council (WOC) will convene ocean industries on 13-14 July in Washington DC to foster and facilitate business involvement in US coastal and marine spatial planning (CMSP).

  • One of the Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group members, Cameron Maclean of Mull, with a rope of cultivated mussels

    New packaging for push into Europe


    One of the Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group members, Cameron Maclean of Mull, with a rope of cultivated musselsAs part of an overall effort to increase its European sales, the Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG) has been developing bilingual ‘Scottish’ themed packs. It has even gone so far to produce a ...

  • News

    Scottish seafood in global spotlight


    Scottish seafood is vital to achieving our ambitions for the food and drink sectors, according to the new Chairman of leadership body Scotland Food and Drink.

  • The “How fresh is your fish?” app. ©Nofima

    New iPhone app for fishmongers


    A new iPhone app from Nofima was launched at this week’s European Seafood Exposition in Brussels.

  • GLOBALG.A.P presented Version 4 at ESE

    GLOBALG.A.P presents new Version 4


    During a news conference at the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels GLOBALG.A.P presented the new revised Version 4.

  • Vinh Hoan Corporation’s Provocake

    Vietnam and France take top honours at Seafood Prix d’Elite


    Vinh Hoan and Halieutis were awarded the top prizes in the 11th Seafood Prix d’Elite new products competition at the European Seafood Exposition.