Latest News – Page 611

  • Maria Damanaki. ©European Union, 2010

    Brussels hearing on discards


    Speaking this week in Brussels at the stakeholder’s hearing on discards, Commissioner Damanaki said that times have changed – and we no longer have time to waste when it comes to the CFP reform.

  • Commissioner Damanaki at the European Seafood Exposition

    Maria Damanaki at ESE


    Yeserday, at the European Seafood Exposition in Brussels, Commissioner Maria Damanaki participated in a roundtable discussion with WWF/Industry Alliance for CFP reform.

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    New standard for sustainable eels


    A new sustainability eco-label, the Sustainable Eel Standard (SES), has been designed to take account of the eel’s unique life-cycle.

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    Forum on marine spatial planning in US


    The World Ocean Council will bring ocean industries together on 13-14 July in Washington D.C. to dscuss coastal and marine spatial planning (CMSP) process underway in the US.

  • Scallops. Credit: NOAA

    Proposals to raise scallop catch limits


    NOAA has proposed raising the catch limit for Atlantic sea scallop vessels from the current level of 47 million pounds to 51 million pounds in 2011 and to 55 million pounds in 2012.

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    Ireland contributes to international fisheries protection


    The Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) has announced that Ireland, United Kingdom, France and Spain will share patrol vessels and personnel, in a continuing effort to monitor trans-boundary fisheries.

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    SFF: Serious implications if inappropriate regulation is used for discards ban


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation is warning that significant sections of the fishing industry could face an unmanaged failure if inappropriate regulations are implemented to place a proposed ban on discards.

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    Salmon exports reach record levels


    Fresh Scottish salmon exports reached record levels in 2010, according to new figures published by Scottish Salmon Producers'' Organisation (SSPO).

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    Útgerðarfélag Akureyringa formed


    A sales agreement has been signed between a new daughter company of Samherji and Brim Seafood Company, selling Brim’s assets in Akureyri.

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    Scottish fisheries leader awarded global conservation prize


    Mike Park, Chief Executive of the Scottish White Fish Producers'' Association (SWFPA) has been recognised internationally for his contribution to conservation.

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    UK: Green light for Nautilus seafarer welfare project


    The Trinity House Maritime Charity has approved a substantial grant to The Nautilus Welfare Fund to support the latest phase to develop the accommodation and welfare facilities at the 15-acre Mariners’ Park Estate at Wallasey.

  • Senior Advisor Heidi Mikalsen checks that everything goes to plan when new vaccines against the disease IPN are tested out at the Tromsø Aquaculture Research Station. Experiences from challenge models for diseases such as IPN, ILA and winter sor...

    New salmon lice research department


    Nofima and Tromsø Aquaculture Research Station have developed a new department for salmon lice research.

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    Seafox to help access funds


    Seafox Management Consultants Limited has launched a new service that will help companies to access public funds to assist them to grow and develop new products and services.

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    Tsuanmi destroyed 90% of Tohoku’s fleet


    According to The Japan Times, the damage caused by the tsunami in March rendered 90% of the 29,000 fishing boats in the three most severely hit prefectures unusable.

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    Sri Lanka’s largest fisheries harbour to open soon


    Construction of Sri Lanka’s largest fisheries harbour in Dickowita is nearing completion.

  • Essential to check integrity of chains and shackles

    Barcode pinpoints fish stocks


    Tasmanian-based Dive Works has integrated three complimentary technologies, including barcode technology, into a comprehensive solution that will reduce the of fish farming cages coming adrift.

  • The campaign is directed at Sealord, John West , Greenseas and the own brand products of New Zealand’s two supermarket chains

    Greenpeace intensifies NZ tuna campaign


    Greenpeace says it is putting new pressure on New Zealand brands selling tinned tuna caught using methods said to be “wiping out Pacific fish populations and killing endangered marine life”.

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    Cermaq’s solid sustainability results


    Cermaq has presented its sustainability results for 2010.

  • Dr George Rose of the Marine Institute’s Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research

    New cod stock study


    The Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture is providing $50,000 in funding toward a cod stock identification project.

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    Nutreco to upgrade fish feed capacity


    Nutreco is investing EUR27m to upgrade its fish feed plant in Averøy, Norway.