Latest News – Page 612

  • News

    Temporary rule to reset gag quota


    NOAA has announced a temporary rule to reset the commercial quota of gag, continue the suspension of the use of red grouper multi-use IFQ commercial allocation, and set a gag recreational season.

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    WTO report emphasises need to rein in fisheries subsidies


    WWF has said it applauds the strong language in a report that a key World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiating body has released, which underscores the urgent need to halt government-subsidised overfishing.

  • Shrimp vessel fishes off Florida. Credit: NOAA

    NOAA to update safety guidelines


    NOAA’s Fisheries Service is asking for public input as it starts the process of updating the national guidelines that promote the safety of commercial and recreational fishermen in federal waters.

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    Commerce Dept appoints fisheries advisors


    The US Department of Commerce has announced the appointment of three new public marine fisheries advisors.

  • Clara Bah has won the first ever Peter Howgate Award for young fish technologists

    Malaysian researcher wins fish award


    Clara Bah, a researcher at the Department of Food Science, University of Otago in New Zealand has won the first ever Peter Howgate Award for young fish technologists.

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    Marport names Sean Chapman as Chief Sonar Engineer


    Marport Deep Sea Technologies Inc. has named Sean Chapman as Chief Sonar Engineer.

  • The new bioprocessing pilot plant is scheduled to open later this year

    Nofima invests in marine biotechnology


    Nofima’s bioprocessing pilot plant in Tromsø will be co-located with the new biotechnology facility being built in Kaldfjord near Tromsø and expanded from 150 square metres to around 1000 square metres.

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    Detrimental impact of ocean warming


    The findings of a study published in Nature Climate Change indicate negative effects on the growth of a long-lived south-east Australian and New Zealand inshore species – the banded morwong.

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    Busy summer ahead for NAFC


    The NAFC Marine Centre has announced major sea-based surveys to be conducted this year in Shetland waters, to improve knowledge of commercial fish stocks and the environment.

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    Cod Farming in Nordic Countries Conference


    Held at the Grand Hotel, attendees can benefit from both events making their visit even more valuable. In recent years the fish farming industry has reduced the focus on cod farming and as a result the production of farmed cod has also reduced. Research and development work has ...

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    Rúmlega helmingnum þegar ráðstafað!


    Atvinnuleysi hefur minnkað úr 9% í 7% frá því að hrunið varð á Íslandi árið 2008, hagvöxtur er nær 3% og rekstrarhalli ríkissjóðs aðeins 5%. Þessu til viðbótar er fiskur svo sannarlega í brennidepli á ný, því á undanförnum þremur árum hefur útflutningsverðmæti fisks og sjávarútvegstengdra afurða aukist um ...

  • News

    82% of exhibition space already sold!


    Since the Icelandic crisis in 2008, unemployment has fallen from 9% to 7%, growth is nearly 3%, while Iceland's deficit is a mere 5%. On top of this fish is definitely back in focus, in the last three years the export value of fish and fish related products ...

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    Pew statement on Chile finning ban


    Matt Rand, director of global shark conservation for the Pew Environment Group, has issued a statement in response to the Chilean Senate passage of Chile’s first-ever ban on shark finning.

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    MSC reaches 9,000 products


    UK retailer Waitrose has helped the Marine Stewardship Council to tip the balance on 9,000 ecolabelled products worldwide.

  • Notus’ Seinemaster

    Purse seine alignment from Notus


    Notus’ Seinemaster has been providing critical information on depth, sink rate and temperature for many years, and now major improvements in the system have been made to provide additional, critical information to purse seiners.

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    ECDIS gains accreditation for training


    ECDIS Ltd has gained accreditation from the Nautical Institute for its Type Specific ECDIS training course.

  • Fishing at dusk on the Mekong river, Laos. ©Michele Depraz

    WWF: Mekong dam deferral signals recognition of potential negative impacts


    The intergovernmental panel of the Mekong River Commission (MRC) has deferred the final decision on the construction of the Xayaburi dam in Laos to the ministerial level, following concerns raised by Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.

  • The Ozernaya River sockeye salmon fishery has been entered into full MSC assessment. Credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

    Russian fishery enters MSC assessment


    Two Russian Federation companies, Vityaz-Avto Co, Ltd and Delta Co, Ltd., have entered the Ozernaya River sockeye salmon fishery into full MSC assessment.

  • All waters previously closed to fishing following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are now open. Credit: US Coastguard

    All DH oil spill waters now open


    NOAA has now reopened 1,041 square miles of Gulf waters immediately surrounding the Deepwater Horizon wellhead, just east of Louisiana.

  • News

    First Awards nomination received!


    The entry will be launched later this summer so the entry is top secret for now but definitely something to look forward to in the coming months. The exciting new product will be on display at the Icelandic Fisheries exhibition so make sure you stop at the Egill stand ...