Latest News – Page 615

  • News

    FOS helps Save the Albatross campaign and calls for others to do the same


    As part of Friend of the Sea’s mission to protect aquatic ecosystem, the NGO also regularly funds selected conservation projects.

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    Plan to secure fishing future


    Fishermen will have more control over how they operate and better opportunities to profit under plans to overhaul the way fishing quotas are managed in England, announced Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon.

  • Training Adviser Keir Day demonstrates Seafish’s fishing vessel stability training to Shipping Minister Mike Penning

    Fishermen’s safety demonstrated


    During a recent visit to Grimsby, Mike Penning, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, met with Seafish staff to see the benefits to fishermen’s safety of collaboration between Seafish and the DfT.

  • News

    King mackerel fishing closed in northern Florida west coast subzone


    Harvest of king mackerel is now prohibited for commercial vessels fishing in the northern Florida west coast subzone.

  • The value of seafood exports from Norway in the first quarter of 2011 increased by 14% compared to the first quarter of 2010. Photo ©NSEC. Photographer: Kjell Ove Storvik

    Norway: Record Q1 exports


    The value of seafood exports from Norway in the first quarter of 2011 totalled NOK 14 billion, up by NOK 1.7 billion or 14% compared to the first quarter of 2010.

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    SFF calls for new Scottish fishing vision


    A new vision for Scottish fishing is at the heart of a manifesto launched recently by the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation

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    MSC certified Young’s Chip Shop Mackerel hits supermarkets


    Young’s has launched a new MSC certified Chip Shop Mackerel, inspired by the Fish Fight programmes shown on Channel 4 earlier this year.

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    SNP: "Fishing industry ignored"


    SNP President Ian Hudghton MEP has expressed dismay after the European Parliament backed moves by the Commission to extend “flawed” fisheries regulations for a further 18 months.

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    Lifeboats launched after empty fishing vessel found


    Both Shoreham RNLI lifeboats were launched on Sunday 3 April at 2.50pm after reports of a small fishing vessel found with no-one on board.

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    Scallop Association underlines commitment


    The Scallop Association has told UK Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon that it is committed to the long-term sustainable management of UK scallop stocks and the habitats upon which they depend.

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    EP agreement with Comoros


    MEPs have backed the renewal of an EU-Comoros fisheries protocol which expired on 31 December.

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    Pew encouraged by Chile’s efforts to end shark finning


    Pew Environment Group officials were in Valparaíso this week to present to the Senate fisheries commission and meet with government officials in support of a Senate bill that would end the practice of shark finning in Chilean waters.

  • Meloyfjord

    STADT propulsion for Norwegian purse seiner


    STADT has recently received an order from Norway’s Meloyfjord Fishing Company in for its patented electric propulsion system.

  • Peter Pan Seafoods in Dillingham and Port Moller use the FastFreeze for its  vacuum-pack Sockeye Filets. At its Valdez plant, the FastFreeze is used for Salmon Roe packed in either half or one kilogram containers.

    IMS FastFreeze – innovative tunnel freezer


    According to Integrated Marine Systems, seafood processors in Prince William Sound and other key Alaska ports are successfully using the FastFreeze portable tunnel production freezer to increase freezing capacity, improve quality and streamline production with its continuous processing flow.

  • Advanced Freezers has installed a unique all-in-one concept

    Advanced’s all-in-one concept


    Dutch company Advanced Freezers tells WF that it has recently completed the development and installation of a unique solution for a European fish processing company: an all-in-one concept comprising a spiral freezer and refrigeration equipment in one modular unit.

  • Tucal vertical plate freezers (Russian standard)

    Tucal active in Russia


    Tucal has told WF that it is currently supplying vertical plate freezers and refrigeration equipment to Russia, including a series of vertical plate freezers with horizontal dividers (Russian standard).

  • James Barbour, NOAA fishing gear researcher, holds a swordfish. Credit: NOAA

    ‘Weak’ hooks protect bluefin tuna but allow yellowfin and swordfish catch


    From 5 May, longliners who fish for yellowfin tuna, swordfish and other species in the Gulf of Mexico will have to use a new ‘weak hook’, designed to reduce the incidental catch of Atlantic bluefin tuna.

  • The DFPO Denmark Eastern Baltic cod fishery has been certified as sustainable. Credit: FAO

    Baltic cod fishery certified


    This week, Danish vessels will start landing MSC certified Baltic cod in Danish ports, as the DFPO Denmark Eastern Baltic cod fishery has been certified against the MSC environmental standard.

  • EcoFishMan aims to develop a new fisheries management system. Credit Daplaza

    EcoFishMan launched


    A new EU project aims to develop a new and alternative responsible fisheries management system for Europe.

  • The MMO has launched a new system for marine licensing

    UK: New marine licence system


    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has launched a new system for licensing marine activities in seas around England, a commitment set out in the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009.