Latest News – Page 647

  • The quota level for Bering Sea snow crab is 54.28 million pounds.

    King crab quotas down, snow crab up


    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has released the total allowable catch (TAC) figures for the upcoming crab season and, as expected, the harvest level for Bristol Bay red king crab is lower than last season after summer surveys reported the stock remains in a declining trend.

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    Mackerel quota talks to get underway


    Crucial talks between the EU, Norway, Iceland and the Faroes to discuss mackerel quotas for 2011 will commence in London on Tuesday 12 October and Scottish fishermen’s leaders say they will be pressing for a deal that does not jeopardise their share in the international fishery and which also protects ...

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    Survey: more consumers aware of MSC


    Close to one in four adults are aware of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) eco-label – an increase of more than two and a half times since 2008, according to a survey carried out by AMR Marketing Research.

  • The new Pains Wessex Manoverboard marker.

    New Manoverboard and Buoysmoke products unveiled


    Chemring Marine has launched its new Pains Wessex Manoverboard MK8 and Buoysmoke MK8 lifebuoy markers in Europe.

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    Cooke announces $150m expansion


    Cooke Aquaculture is planning to spend $150 million (€107.4 million) over five years to expand its Nova Scotia operations.

  • The Easymatic EM-103.

    New two-lane Easymatic pinboner


    Kaj Olesen A/S, which manufactures pinbone removers under the name of ‘Easymatic’, has developed a two-lane pinbone remover.

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    Angola invests $62m in fishery protection


    Angola’s government has spent $62 million (€44.4 million) on 10 new fishery and aquiculture monitoring boats to protect the country’s resources and to fight illegal fishing off the country''s coast.

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    Scots: blue whiting quota shows mackerel threat


    The release of the latest scientific advice for the catch uptake of blue whiting recommending a 2011 quota of only 40,000 tonnes is a stark reminder of the threat facing the valuable mackerel stock if uncontrolled fishing by Iceland and the Faroes continues, claimed the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation this week.

  • The total area left closed to all fishing now measures 23,360 square miles.

    BP spill: NOAA reopens more fishing areas


    NOAA has reopened 2,927 square miles of federal waters south of the Mississippi River Delta in the Gulf of Mexico to commercial and recreational fishing that it had previously closed in response to the BP/Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

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    Thai Union cleared to buy MW Brands


    Thai Union Frozen PLC (TUF) has received clearance received from the UK’s Office of Fair Trading on its €680 million ($942.8 million) acquisition of MW Brands Holdings SAS.

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    Nutreco hosts Capital Markets Day in Italy


    Nutreco on 6 October hosted a Capital Markets Day in Italy with a site visit to its fish feed plant and its recently inaugurated premix plant in Mozzecane. Next to the site visit Nutreco gave updates on the three divisions Agriculture, Specialties and Aquaculture.

  • Quotas on North-East Arctic cod in the Barents Sea in 2011 will be 16% higher than this year.

    Higher 2011 quotas for Norway, Russia


    The Joint Norwegian-Russian Fisheries Commission has increased the quotas on all the main commercially fished species in the Barents Sea. The Norwegian minister of fisheries called the quota level a “historical high”.

  • ThermoDrive comprises low-tension belting with a continuous, easy-to-clean surface.

    ThermoDrive’s breakthrough belting technology


    ThermoDrive technology is a patented conveying solution that combines the benefits of positive drive, low-tension belting with a continuous, easy-to-clean surface, developed by Intralox.

  • UK vessels landed 581,000 tonnes of fish with a value of £674 million last year.

    Value of UK catch rises, landings fall


    The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has published its annual UK Sea Fisheries Statistics for 2009. This fisheries management tool includes detailed data about the UK fishing fleet, the number of fishermen and the quantity and value of fish landings, imports and exports.

  • Following the acquisition of Baja, Umami expects to have over 20% of the global market for farmed bluefin tuna.

    Umami proceeds with tuna firm purchase


    The board of directors with Umami Sustainable Seafood Inc have decided to move forward and complete the acquisition of Baja Aquafarms, a leading producer of bluefin tuna based in Mexico

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    Taiwan worried over plunging squid catch


    The deepsea fishing industry in Taiwan is facing a crisis because of precipitous drops in its squid and saury catch. In 2009, the squid catch fell 71.4% and the saury catch fell 25.3%, dealing a harsh blow to a sector still suffering the impact of a 2005 cut in the ...

  • Lifting amberjack broodstock. Consultant Brian Blanchard (centre in white shirt) was brought in from Canada to assist. Nasruddin Ali Al-ameen (far right) is manager of overseas projects.

    In it for the long haul


    The five pillars of a Saudi Arabian desert shrimp farm are expanding in all directions. Velo Mitrovich reports.

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    Goa fishermen: trawlers violating fishing ban


    Traditional fishermen from Cacra in St Cruz, Goa, India, have complained to the fisheries department, alleging that mechanised boats are violating the fishing ban near the coast in the Zuari bay.

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    UK fishermen admit £7m 'black fish' scam


    Two UK fishermen have admitted making false declarations about fish worth more than £7 million (€8.1 million/$11.1 million) which they landed.

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    FAO proposes global guidelines for aquaculture certification


    The Sub-Committee of Aquaculture of the Committee on Fisheries of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have adopted a set of global guidelines for the certification of aquaculture products.