Latest News – Page 649

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    VIP-sendinefndum fjölgað 2011


    Mercator Media skipuleggur Íslensku sjávarútvegssýninguna og stefnir að því að fjölga VIP-gestum á sýningunni árið 2011. Þetta var nýmæli á sýningunni 2008 sem tókst mjög vel og Mercator Media hyggst vinna að því í samstarfi við sýnendur og helstu íslensku samtökin að tryggja að lykilfólk í greininni mæti.

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    VIP delegations to be expanded for 2011


    Mercator Media, the organisers of the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition, are looking to expand on the number of VIP delegates brought into the 2011 Exhibition. Building on the success of the first delegations brought into the 208 event, Mercator Media will work with exhibitors and major Icelandic organisations to ...

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    New pump could save eel and salmon


    Millions of migrating fish like eel and salmon could be saved by installing new water pumps at pumping stations all over Europe.

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    Seattle to host symposium on energy use in fisheries


    A new Seattle, US, conference, The Energy Use in Fisheries Symposium, has been created to provide a forum for commercial and recreational fishermen, processors, engineers, boat and engine developers, aquaculture ventures, fisheries managers, administrators, scientists, and others to address both the direct and indirect effects of energy costs related to ...

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    Reykjavík - nyrðsta höfuðborgin


    Reykjavík er nyrsta höfuðborg heims og þar er mikið framboð af spennandi afþreyingu og forvitnilegum stöðum af öllu tagi. Reykjavík er hrein, ómenguð og fjörleg, einmitt rétti staaðurinn fyrir afslappandi en þó hressandi frí. Þar er að finna úrvals veitingastaði, fyrsta flokks matreiðslu, einstaka menningu, fjörugt næturlíf og spennandi ...

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    Reykjavik - the northernmost capital


    Reykjavik, the northernmost capital of the world, boasts a wide array of exciting activities and attractions. Reykjavik is pure, clean and vibrant -- creating the perfect settings for a relaxing yet refreshing vacation. With top-class restaurants and cuisine, unique culture, sparkling nightlife and amazing attractions within easy reach, Reykjavik ...

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    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2011


    Þessi gamalgróna sjávarútvegssýning hóf göngu sína árið 1984. Hún er haldin á þriggja ára fresti og er orðin umfangsmesta sýningin í greininni á norðurslóðum. Tíminn er valinn í ljósi óska sýnenda til að tryggja að þeir geti alltaf haft nýja framleiðslu á boðstólum. Sjávarútvegssýningin verður enn á ný haldin ...

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    Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition 2011


    With a fleet of 1,582 registered fishing vessels landing 1,125 million tonnes of fish, the Icelandic fleet represents state of the art of fisheries technology. This hub of fishing technology means there is always something new on offer.Skippers and owners update and modernise their fleets frequently and the Icelandic ...

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    Umfangsmesta sjávarútvegssýning Norðurheims haldin á ný


    Sýningin nær til allra þátta í fiskveiðum í atvinnuskyni, allt frá veiðum og fiskileit til vinnslu og pökkunar, markaðsetningar og dreifingar á fullunnum afurðum. Sýningin 2008 vakti mikla athygli, jafnvel þótt hún væri haldin á tímum mikilla efnahagslegra sviptinga. Nær 500 sýnendur frá 33 löndum kynntu vörur sínar og ...

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    Largest fishing event in the north returns


    The Exhibition will cover every aspect of the commercial fishing industry from catching and locating to processing and packaging, right through to marketing and distribution of the final product. Even in the face of economic turmoil, the last show in 2008 proved yet another success: nearly 500 companies ...

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    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin 2008 sló í gegn!


    Íslenska sjávarútvegssýningin var síðast haldin 2008 og heppnaðist mjög vel þótt hún væri haldin dagana áður en hrunið mikla varð. Nær 500 fyrirtæki frá 33 löndum sýndu vörur sínar og 12.429 gestir komu frá 50 löndum, þar með taldir 75 VIP-gestir og sendinefndir frá Kanada og Ekvador. Mercator Media ...

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    Icefish 2008 - a great success!


    The last Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition held in 2008 was a great success despite being held immediately prior to the economic crisis. Nearly 500 companies from 33 countries exhibited and 12,429 attendees came from 50 countries including 75 VIPs and delegations from Canada and Ecuador. For the next ...

  • Fisheries contribute between $225 billion and $240 billion to the world economy annually.

    China, Japan, US lead fish consumption


    China is the largest consumer of seafood, but the environmental impact of countries like Japan and the US is magnified by a taste for fish at the top of the food chain, such as tuna or salmon, according to a new report.

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    Orange roughy fishery reopens, hoki quota up


    New Zealand’s fishing industry has welcomed an increase to this season''s hoki quota as well as the reopening of an orange roughy fishery on the north west of the South Island, which closed a decade ago due to dwindling stocks.

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    Papua New Guinea upgrades vessel monitoring system


    VComms, a subsidiary of SatComms, a leading provider of satellite communication solutions based in Australia, has been selected by the National Fisheries Authority (NFA) of Papua New Guinea to provide a turnkey integrated vessel monitoring system (VMS) for fisheries management under a multi-year agreement.

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    Waitrose sells UK’s first Friend of the Sea mussels


    Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group (SSMG) rope grown mussels are the first farmed seafood in the UK to be awarded Friend of the Sea (FoS) certification.

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    Detained Chinese trawler captain back home


    Chinese trawler captain Zhan Qixiong has been returned by charter plane to Fuzhou, capital of southeast China''s Fujian Province, following his high profile detention in Japan.

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    Scots to urge action on mackerel at council


    At the AgriFish Council meeting in Brussels on Monday 27 September, Scottish fishermen will be pressing the European Commission to give a clear signal of intent that strong action will be taken against Iceland and the Faroes if the two countries fail to reach an acceptable deal on international mackerel ...

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    New species enter NZ fishing quota system


    New Zealand’s Ministry of Fisheries has announced catch limits and other management controls for two new species - bladder kelp and Patagonian toothfish - that will become part of New Zealand''s internationally-recognised Quota Management System (QMS) on 1 October 2010.

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    Italian caviar gains Friend of the Sea eco-label


    Caviale srl’s Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) and Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) have been certified by Friend of the Sea for being sustainably reared and managed.