Latest News – Page 659

  • Kilic Group’s Bafa hatchery is nearly as big as a small town.

    A tale of three hatcheries


    Kilic Group’s Bafa hatchery is nearly as big as a small town. (Photo: Kilic)Turkey’s three leading gilthead seabream and European seabass hatcheries could not be more different if they tried. At one end of the spectrum is the Kilic Group where everything – including the size of the fry they ...

  • Cast members of 'Bondi Rescue' Chris Chapman (left) and Brad Maylon (right) support the Greenpeace Canned Tuna Ranking Guide. (Photo: Greenpeace)

    Greenpeace: Australians can buy more sustainable tuna


    The second Greenpeace Australia Canned Tuna Guide shows that public pressure on tuna companies has succeeded and Australians can now buy pole and line-caught tuna.

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    Fraser River salmon fishery eco-label assessment upheld


    The findings of an independent adjudicator (IA) in an objection procedure conducted as part of the Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery’s voluntary assessment against the MSC standard have been issued.

  • Depleted oyster production in France has limited the availability of juveniles for UK growers.

    Big supply problems in the UK oyster market


    The supply situation for oysters in the UK market will remain difficult for at least the rest of the year, industry experts have warned.

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    Marine Stewardship Council makes new appointments


    The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has appointed Mike Wetherell to the new post of MSC chief operating officer. The post will be based in the London headquarters of the MSC.

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    Marine Harvest Q2 salmon volumes reach 68,000 tonnes


    Norwegian-based Marine Harvest has reported the following salmon harvest volumes for the second quarter: Norway 48,000 tonnes, Chile 2,000 tonnes, Canada 7,000 tonnes, Scotland 7,000 tonnes, and others 4,000 tonnes.

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    Kaliningrad revisited


    Kaliningrad has changed considerably in the last two decades but it remains a hub for fishing technology.

  • NOAA administrator Dr Jane Lubchenco.

    Congressmen call for Lubchenco's resignation


    Congressmen Barney Frank and John Tierney have called for Dr Jane Lubchenco, administrator of the NOAA, to step down.

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    Senator demands NOAA sell unauthorised assets


    US senator Charles Schumer has called on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to immediately begin selling off unauthorised purchases it made with forfeiture money and return the proceeds to the fund and fishermen who committed no wrong doing or were excessively fined.

  • European Parliament is calling for an urgent revision of the outdated common market organisation in fishery products.

    MEPs call for fair, transparent trade in fish


    The EU''s fishing and aquaculture industries must not be exposed to unfair competition from imports, according to a new resolution adopted by European Parliament, which calls for fishery products to be classified as "sensitive" in global trade talks.

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    New forum to debate a sustainable future for the fish industry


    A new one-day conference will take place in Grimsby, UK, this week which will explore the challenges faced by the fishing and seafood industry in managing a long-term sustainable future.

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    WTO investigates Vietnam’s anti-dumping complaint


    The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has set up a panel to investigate a complaint by the Vietnamese government that American anti-dumping duties are detrimental to its shrimp exports, reports Michael Mackey.

  • The Fishing Industry Council says most fishers welcome the new quota management system for the rock lobster industry.

    Lobster quota system details announced


    The Australian fisheries minister Norman Moore has confirmed a new quota management system for the rock lobster industry will be implemented when the season begins in November.

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    Europe blows its annual budget for fish on Friday 9 July


    New research has claimed that Europe could not feed itself on fish from EU waters for more than 189 days a year, and from today is dependent on fish from elsewhere.

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    UK fisheries delegation meets EU commissioner


    A UK fisheries delegation this week met with the new EU maritime and fisheries commissioner, Maria Damanaki, at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

  • Fishing boat Dama del Mar was swept up onto land, in Constitución's fishing bay, Maguillines. There she remains to this day.

    WF EXCLUSIVE: Chile gets ‘Back to Sea’


    Four months after the tsunamis and earthquake that shook Chile, on 27 February, the four-month old government has presented several master plans to rebuild the country’s fishing industry, writes Ian Emmett, from Constitución, Chile.

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    Italian students help fishermen secure best prices


    Italy''s University of Bari has adopted the IBM System z Cloud system to help local fisherman auction a day''s catch while still at sea.

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    New capsize warning device


    Tragic accidents at sea caused by vessel instability could easily be prevented by installing a new electronic device to warn of the danger of capsize, according to the developer of the product.

  • There are now more than 44,000 people working on the operation. (Photo: US Coast Guard)

    BP oil spill costs pass $3bn mark


    The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has so far cost BP more than $3.1 billion (€2.5 billion), the company has said. The total includes the cost of containing the spill and cleaning up the oil, and the cost of drilling relief wells.

  • Farne’s Greenbank compactor has processed more than 45,000 fish boxes since February.

    Leading fish smoker takes greener approach


    One of Europe’s biggest smoked salmon producers has found that it pays to recycle after installing a new Greenbank compactor.