Latest News – Page 687

  • Greenpeace says that the threat to Pacific tuna is now greater than ever

    Greenpeace: Threat to Pacific tuna greater than ever


    Greenpeace has slammed the refusal of Asian distant water fishing nations Korea, China, Taiwan and Japan to agree effective new measures to urgently halt the decline of tuna stocks at the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC).

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    Preparation Agriculture/Fisheries Council of December 2009


    The Agriculture & Fisheries Council will meet in Brussels on 14, 15 and 16 December.

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    Kloosterboer forecasts busy 2010 for Dutch Harbor


    In the four months since its grand opening in July, Alaska''s Kloosterboer Dutch Harbor has met with several major fishing companies that are seeking to use the facility as a one-stop logistical hub for the 2010 season, according to the facility''s general manager.

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    Fisheries and aquaculture: multiple risks from climate change


    Marine capture fisheries already facing multiple challenges due to overfishing, habitat loss and weak management are poorly positioned to cope with new problems stemming from climate change, a new FAO study suggests.

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    Canada ratifies amended convention of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization


    The Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, today announced the Government of Canada has ratified the amended Convention of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO). Canada is the second NAFO member to ratify the Convention, after Norway.

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    Aker BioMarine awarded public grant for research on Superba™ Krill


    Aker BioMarine has been awarded a three-year NOK 8 million research grant from the Research Council of Norway’s Food Programme. The biotechnology company will use the funds to continue its ambitious documentation program on Superba™ Krill products.

  • Loggerhead sea turtle

    NOAA amendment removes swordfishing restrictions


    NOAA’s Fisheries Service has removed restrictions on the number of gear deployments by the Hawaii swordfish fleet after four years of study found sea turtle protections are working and most interactions between the fleet and loggerhead and leatherback sea turtles are non-lethal.

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    NFFO’s response to CFP Green Paper


    The NFFO’s response to the Commission’s Green Paper is now complete and will be dispatched to the Commission in the next week.

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    NOAA encourages use of catch shares


    NOAA has released for public comment a draft national policy encouraging the use of catch shares, a fishery management tool that aims to end overfishing and rebuild and sustain fishing jobs and fishing communities.

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    NOAA approves western and central Pacific bigeye tuna catch limit


    NOAA has established a catch limit for bigeye tuna in the US pelagic longline fisheries in the western and central Pacific Ocean for each of the calendar years 2009, 2010, and 2011, having determined that the species’ Pacific Ocean population is subject to overfishing.

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    Ocean acidification: an underwater time-bomb


    Ocean acidity has increased by 30 per cent since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and the rate of acidification will accelerate in the coming decades, according to a new guide launched at the UN Copenhagen Climate Change summit today.

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    Seeing through our waters more clearly


    The Census of Marine Life aims to provide an authoritative snapshot of what inhabits our waters and where.

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    NOAA announces temporary rule to protect red snapper


    NOAA’s Fisheries Service has announced an interim rule that will prohibit commercial and recreational fishing for red snapper in federal waters off North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and the Atlantic coast of Florida.

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    Breakdown in EU/Norway negotiations means further uncertainty for Scottish fleet


    The third round of negotiations between the EU and Norway to set total allowable catches and other fisheries arrangements for shared stocks such as North Sea cod and haddock have broken down without agreement.

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    Skretting delivers superior salmon starter feed


    A twin-screw Clextral extruder at the Skretting plant in Vervins, France, is producing an advanced salmon starter feed with extremely regular pellets, even down to the smallest size.

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    New catch disposal scheme for SBT


    For many years, Australians wanting to export Southern Bluefin Tuna have had to complete paperwork under the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna (CCSBT) Trade Information Scheme (TIS). One of the problems of the TIS was that it did not track domestic landings so Japan''s catch was not ...

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    E-monitoring trials begin


    A trial of electronic monitoring has commenced in the Eastern Tuna and Billfish Fishery (ETBF).

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    Norwegian seafood exports top NOK 40bn


    November figures from the Norwegian Seafood Export Council show that the record export levels achieved in 2008 have already been surpassed this year by over NOK 1 billion.

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    Flaws in protection measures hurt bigeye tuna stocks


    Failure by the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) to manage fish stocks properly is contributing to the reduction of bigeye tuna and other fish.

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    Crucial European fish talks approach


    Preparations for next week''s December Fisheries Council are gathering pace with Fisheries Secretary Richard Lochhead once again ready to fight for a fair deal for Scotland''s fishermen.