Latest News – Page 721

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    New look for a national marine life information project


    Now in its 10th year, MarLIN – an initiative of the Marine Biological Association – is a trusted resource for anyone who needs information on marine life and has just launched its new and improved website.

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    Greenpeace: suicidal tendencies of the Turkish tuna fishery


    Disregarding agreed bluefin tuna quotas, the Turkish government has set itself a unilateral bluefin tuna quota and broken its international commitments, says Greenpeace.

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    Italian retail chain's trout certified sustainable


    The Friend of the Sea project expands further in Europe as it meets the trust of retail chain Esselunga, one of the main supermarket brands in Italy.

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    Support from Scottish Fishermen’s Trust for fisheries projects


    An ambitious drive to help secure Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for two key North Sea fisheries has successfully achieved funding support from the Scottish Fishermen’s Trust.

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    New Zealand albacore tuna fishery enters MSC assessment


    New Zealand’s troll-caught albacore tuna fishery has entered MSC assessment.

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    Pelagic fleet encouraged to fish for litter


    The Scottish Pelagic Sustainability Group (SPSG) is the latest organisation to put its weight firmly behind the Fishing for Litter 2008-2011 project, by encouraging its 24 member vessels to sign up.

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    Greenpeace blames supermarkets for failing New Zealand's fisheries


    Claims by New Zealand supermarkets that they are doing enough to ensure that the seafood they sell is from sustainably managed fisheries just don’t stack up, says Greenpeace.

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    New Zealand scallop fishery enters MSC assessment


    New Zealand’s southern scallop fishery, co-managed by the Challenger Scallop Enhancement Company and the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries has entered assessment under the Marine Stewardship Council standard for sustainable and well-managed fisheries.

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    Ghost nets hurting marine environment


    Large amounts of fishing gear lost at sea or abandoned by fishers are hurting the marine environment, impacting fish stocks through ''ghost fishing'' and posing a hazard to ships, according to a new report jointly produced by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

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    5 NZ fisheries move into MSC assessment


    A further five New Zealand fisheries have committed to making a strategic move into Marine Stewardship Council assessment. The five fisheries are:

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    Pesca Sur 2009


    Smaller than the former version but with the same spirit - this is how we can describe this third version of the exhibition.Either due to the global financial crisis or the country's fishing sector's instability, this year's event evidenced less expenditure. Also, exhibitors griped because of less visitors and a ...

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    EC welcomes seal product ban


    The European Commission has welcomed the vote by the European Parliament confirming the first reading agreement reached between Council and Parliament on an EU Regulation banning the trading of seal products within and into the European Union.

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    Maersk partners Friend of the Sea and Dolphin-Safe


    The Earth Island Institute Dolphin-Safe project and Friend of the Sea have announced a partnership with Maersk, the world’s largest shipping company, in providing a certification scheme which is in line with their sustainability policy and standards.

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    Irish Minister announces €6.9m harbour investment


    Tony Killeen, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, has announced the investment of €6.9 million in 2009 towards the provision of pontoons at Ros an Mhíl Fishery Harbour Centre.

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    Europe a key culprit as Grand Banks cod bycatch stalls recovery


    Cod bycatch was at least 70 per cent higher than target levels on the southern Grand Banks near Canada, holding back recovery of one of the world’s best known fisheries following its spectacular collapse and closure in the early 1990s, says WWF.

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    German producer switches to MSC products


    Germany’s well-known fish manufacturer Gottfried Friedrichs introduced the MSC eco-label for sustainable fishing to all its herring and matjes products at the beginning of this month.

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    Ocean Conservancy applauds Obama administration


    Ocean Conservancy has applauded the Obama administration for restoring crucial protections written into the Endangered Species Act (ESA), which the Bush administration revoked.

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    Scottish Marine Bill introduced


    Scotland''s first Marine Bill has been introduced to the Scottish Parliament.

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    Triple certification for Norwegian fisheries


    Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for three Norwegian fisheries was awarded at the European Seafood Expo in Brussels last week.

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    Greenpeace calls on markets to pre-order sustainable skipjack tuna


    Greenpeace launched guidelines and an on-line pre-order petition at the European Tuna Conference in Brussels calling on retailers, restaurants and tuna traders to pre-order and shift their supplies to sustainable and equitable skipjack tuna.