Latest News – Page 762

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    Greenpeace confiscates Italian drifnet


    Activists onboard the Greenpeace vessel "Arctic Sunrise" confronted Italian fishing ''pirates'' in the Mediterranean Sea and confiscated almost 2km of illegal driftnet containing dead undersized bluefin tuna and a small sea turtle that was later released alive, a press release states.

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    Protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the high seas


    The Fisheries Committee has adopted a report on a proposal for a regulation on the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the high seas from the adverse impacts of bottom fishing gears, which is a priority of the Slovenian Council Presidency in the fisheries sector.

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    Commission proposes plan to secure the future of West of Scotland herring


    The European Commission has tabled a proposal for a Council regulation on a multi-annual plan for the management of herring fisheries to the West of Scotland. The proposal will ensure the sustainability of the fishery and prevent any sudden increase in fishing pressure which could jeopardise its future.

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    Study shows salmon grow bigger in cold temperatures


    A study carried out by the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) has shown Atlantic salmon incubated at lower temperatures are longer, heavier, and more muscular than those incubated at higher temperatures.

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    Views sought on £34 million European Fisheries Fund


    The UK''s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) launched a consultation at the beginning of May on how £34 million of funding for England’s fishing industry should be spent.

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    Why fishing magnifies fluctuations in fish abundance


    In a recent Nature article, Dr Christian NK Anderson of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and colleagues found that fished populations can fluctuate more than unharvested stocks. While they are unsure as to why, they have ruled out some possible explanations through this study.

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    New management proposals for Irish lobster industry


    Irish Minister of State with responsibility for Fisheries at the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, John Browne, T.D., has recently launched a consultation document proposing changes in the way in which access to the Irish Lobster Fishery is managed.

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    International support to upgrade Cambodia''s fishery sector - Cambodia’s fishery sector has seen little development during the past three decades as the country continues to recover from the impact of the murderous Khmer Rouge regime in the 1970s and the two decades of civil war that followed, reports David Hayes.

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    IUU – On the pirate trail


    Gunnar Album, Friends of the Earth Norway, Barents Sea Office, on the fish trail. TW : EEC PhotosAfter the third London conference on Illegal Unreported Unregulated (IUU) Fishing in 2007 there was a tough reaction against NGO allegations that certain fish markets were laundering illegal catch. Chris Leftwich, The Chief ...

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    World tuna - a look from FAO


    Tuna fisheries represent a heavily invested industry that operates highly mobile fleets of large expensive purse seiners and longliners.

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    UK holds 7 ships under detention in March


    The Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) has announced that five foreign ships were under detention in UK ports during March 2008 after failing Port State Control (PSC) inspection.

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    New polar research vessel


    Rolls-Royce has been selected to design a research vessel to carry out significant environmental research at both the North and South Poles.

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    FTA with China opens opportunities for NZ seafood industry


    The signing of a FTA (free trade agreement) with China will create further market development opportunities for the New Zealand seafood industry, says New Zealand Seafood Industry Council''s general manager of trade, Alastair Macfarlane.

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    Scotland's seas report


    The first ever report on the state of Scotland''s seas was published early April, to help lay the groundwork for the new Scottish Marine Bill.

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    Remembering Harry Winsor (1917-2008)


    Harry Winsor, a Newfoudlander was one of the founders of the FAO’s Fisheries Department.

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    More local management and local rights?


    The European Parliament’s (EP) Fisheries’ Committee has pushed the door wider open for the growth of local stock management and traditional rights for small operations to fish and earn a decent living.

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    NOAA scientists train African team to be fisheries observers


    A team of NOAA scientists recently travelled to Ghana to teach 40 government officials and university students to become trained marine resource observers, able to provide scientific data needed to manage their fish stocks.

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    Launch of "Atlantis"


    "Atlantis" OB 991, a vivier-crabber for brown crabs, was launched in early March.

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    Keel laying of Icelandic vessel


    In March, the keel laying ceremony of the Coast Guard Vessel for the Government of Iceland took place at ASMAR Talcahuano.

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    ARESA Boat's signs €77m contract with Government of Angola


    The Government of Angola has awarded a contract for the construction of 210 fishing and general missions’ coastal boats to the Spanish company ARESA Boat''s.