Latest News – Page 802

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    Spanish sector at the forefront of responsible fishing


    Spanish Fisheries Minister, Elena Espinosa (Picture courtesy of MAFA)World Fishing: How do you describe the situation of the Spanish fishing sector?Elena Espinosa: First of all, I would like to highlight that Spain is still a big fishing country. It still has an important fishing tradition and it is still a ...

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    Listening to fisherman


    Among the many problems that hound fisheries management is one that could be solved – as long as there is a personal and political will.

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    New supermarket league table out


    Greenpeace has recently issued its 2006 supermarket sustainability league table.

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    France catching 50% more tuna than its quota


    Mediterranean bluefin tuna fishing is “spiralling out of control” according to a recent meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT).

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    New £1.5m patrol and research vessel


    The North Eastern Sea Fisheries Committee will take delivery next year of a £1.5m new patrol and research vessel built by Finnish shipyard UKI Workboat.

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    Canada will not join call for bottom trawling ban


    Canada’s Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Loyola Hearn has said that Canada will not join the call for a ban on bottom trawling.

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    SoS – Save our shark, plaice, sole and cod


    The high-profile media reportage on the capture of sharks for their lucrative fins and the dumping of their carcasses overboard, has caused a row within the European Parliament (EP) Fisheries Committee, reports Peter O’Neill.

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    EU/Norway/Faroes agree on mackerel management measures for 2007


    Agreement was reached on 25 October in Edinburgh between the European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, Norway and the Faroe Islands on management measures for mackerel in the north east Atlantic for 2007.

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    Bradshaw meets Iceland's Ambassador on whaling


    Following the government of Iceland''s decision to authorise commercial whaling in spite of the internationally agreed moratorium, Fisheries Minister Ben Bradshaw summoned the Icelandic Ambassador, Mr Sverrir Haukur Gunnlaugsson, on 26 October to reiterate the UK''s strong opposition to commercial whaling.

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    Canadian prawn fishery seeks eco-label


    The Canadian Northern Prawn Fishery (the second largest coldwater Nordic Shrimp and Coldwater Shrimp fishery in the world) is the first shrimp fishery in the Atlantic to enter assessment against the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) environmental standard for well-managed and sustainable wild capture fisheries.

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    Research does not support the close association between salmon farms, sea lice, and loss of wild salmon


    According to a recent statement, in the issue concerning salmon farms, sea lice, and wild salmon in the Broughton Archipelago, the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has undertaken extensive research, both in the field and the laboratory.

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    According to Oceana, Iceland cannot sell its whale meat, but is still hunting


    The Japanese ambassador in Iceland has stated that the Japanese already have enough whale meat, and they will not be buying any from Iceland.

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    Study into the sustainable future of the UK South East Region Coastal Fishing Industry


    A study looking at ensuring the long-term sustainability of the regional coastal fishing industry as well as supporting local communities has been commissioned by the South East England Development Agency (SEEDA).

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    Pacific Island nations leading the battle against destructive fishing practices


    Pacific Island nations (including Australia) are leading the battle against destructive fishing practices after they endorsed a declaration on deep sea bottom trawling earlier this week.

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    Joe Borg welcomes 'balanced Council agreement on fish quotas for 2007 in the Baltic Sea'


    A recent EC release states that European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Joe Borg, has welcomed the adoption by the Fisheries Council, in Luxembourg, on 25 October, of the fishing possibilities and related measures for 2007 in the Baltic Sea.

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    Greenpeace: Legal loopholes are threatening tuna


    Greenpeace has issued a press release accusing fleets from Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, the US and the EU of using ‘loopholes’ to ‘steal’ 90% of Pacific tuna.

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    Shetland fish farmers urged to participate in new recycling scheme


    Shetland fish farmers are being urged to take advantage of a new recycling service for redundant salmon cages that has already been successfully rolled-out on the west coast of Scotland and Orkney.

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    New Australian catch limits


    The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has announced new catch limits for 2007 to ensure the sustainability of the key fish and shark species caught in Australia ''s southern and eastern Commonwealth fisheries.

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    Heavy penalties for illegal fishers


    Crew members from seven illegal fishing ‘ice-boats’ have received some of the heaviest penalties ever handed down to illegal fishermen in Australia.

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    Three new research projects for Ireland


    John Browne T.D., Irish Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources with responsibility for marine matters, today (22 October) announced that he has secured funding to launch a major new collaborative research programme between the Irish fishing industry and Marine Institute scientists.