Latest News – Page 803

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    Sandeel, anchovy and North Sea cod still depleted


    Today, 20 October, the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) will release a report on the status and perspectives of some of the most important Northeast Atlantic fish stocks.

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    Iceland resumes whaling


    In October Iceland resumed commercial whaling, despite the moratorium still being in place.

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    Young's will no longer sell North Sea cod


    Seafood company Young’s have announced that they will no longer be purchasing Atlantic cod sourced from the North Sea.

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    Grieg Seafood and Volden Group merge


    The boards of Grieg Seafood AS and Volden Group AS have decided to merge the two fish farming companies.

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    SFF to meet with Borg


    The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation will be urging Joe Borg, the EC Director General of Fisheries & Maritime Affairs, during a visit to Aberdeen and Shetland on October 19 to recognise the huge steps the Scottish industry has taken towards sustainability and ensure that there is a level playing field in ...

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    EC extends aid for improving vessel safety, hygiene and engine efficiency


    Last week (13 October) the European Commission has adopted a proposal amending some rules of the Common Fisheries Policy to extend existing public aid for the enhancement of safety, hygiene, working conditions, product quality and energy efficiency on board fishing vessels.

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    Minister Dempsey explores new marine institute HQ


    Irish Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources Mr. Noel Dempsey T.D. last week (October 12th) explored the new state-of-the-art headquarters and laboratory facilities of the Marine Institute at Oranmore, Co. Galway, whose mission it is to unlock the potential of Ireland’s 220 million acres of seabed territory.

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    Australia leads landmark reform on Southern Blue Fin Tuna


    Australia has spearheaded landmark reforms to the global management of Southern Bluefin Tuna (SBT) at the 13th Commission for the Conservation of SBT (CCSBT) meeting held last week in Miyazaki, Japan.

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    New investment fuels Grimsby Docks bunker operation


    The progressive company at the heart of Grimsby’s fish industry has collaborated with a leading worldwide marine fuels supplier to provide a state-of-the-art bunker operation for vessels that come to the area.

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    Bush: eliminate destructive fishing practices


    On 3 October President George Bush directed the State and Commerce departments to “further strengthen the efforts of the United States to protect sustainable fisheries and to safeguard their effective use by calling for an end to destructive fishing practices, such as unregulated bottom trawling on the high seas”, according ...

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    Greater protection for marine resources


    Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Commissioner Joe Borg has welcomed the positive results reached at the annual meeting of the South Atlantic Fisheries Organisation (SEAFO), currently chaired by the EU.

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    EU and Norway agree on closer collaboration on fisheries


    Yesterday (4 October) EU and Norway signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on monitoring, control and surveillance of fisheries. The text sets out a framework for mutual control and enforcement between EU Member States and Norway which will not only facilitate the management of shared fish stocks, but also make ...

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    Sea lice study uses ‘old data and flawed methodology’


    Two Canadian organisations have criticised a study that claims that sea lice from infected fish farms are responsible for the deaths of up to 95% of young wild salmon migrating out to sea.

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    Bradshaw welcomes growing momentum to stop 'destructive' deep sea fishing


    Worldwide action to protect sensitive marine life and habitats from destructive deep sea trawling could be a step closer thanks to UK pressure.

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    FAO-CITES agreement promotes sustainable fish trade


    International trade of seahorses, whale sharks and Caribbean queen conches is now regulated by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

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    Ban on bottom trawling?


    Informal consultations to begin in the General Assembly today (4 October) concerning the conservation of fish stocks, under provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, were the subject of a Headquarters press conference yesterday, sponsored by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and given by ...

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    Fisheries Committee approves 2007 budget and amendments to CMO of fisheries and aquaculture products, modifies proposal on alien species in aquaculture.


    The European Parliament Fisheries Committee approved a technical amendment to the CMO of fisheries and aquaculture products yesterday (3 October). It also gave its opinion on the 2007 budget, as well as amending a Commission proposal for a regulation of alien species in aquaculture.

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    Irish mackerel quota reduced


    Mackerel quota reduced following UK police investigations and reporting of undeclared illegal landings into Scottish processing companies by Irish pelagic fishing vessels. - The Irish Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Mr John Browne, T.D. arranged for officials to meet and advise fishing industry ...

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    British and Dutch trawlers fined


    The Master and owner of UK-registered fishing vessel Success III, KY211, has been ordered to pay a total of £8,000 for fishing illegally within British Fishery Limits.

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    South Georgia upgrade


    The “Pharos” as built in 1973 by Ferguson Shipbuilders for the Commissioners of Northern LighthousesByron Marine Ltd. has announced that it has purchased the lighthouse tender “Pharos” from the Commissioners of the Northern Lighthouses in Scotland and this will be operated under a long-term charter with the GSGSSI.The “Pharos” is ...