Op-Ed: Make 2024 the year that EM becomes ‘business as usual’ in global tuna fisheries


International Seafood Sustainability Foundation President Susan Jackson urges action to unlock the transformative impacts of electronic monitoring

As the fourth anniversary of the Covid pandemic approaches, we have another opportunity – individually and collectively – to reflect on what we’ve learned and what has changed (or not changed) because of that experience. In the tuna-fishing community, we can use this milestone to contemplate where we stand today on the sustainability issues we were progressing before Covid dramatically but temporarily interrupted our work.

To prevent a reversal of our hard-won gains, all stakeholders – the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) and fellow NGOs, fisheries scientists, regional fisheries management organisations (RFMOs), government agencies, seafood companies, retailers and vessel owners – must honestly examine where we’ve stalled and why we’re falling short.

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