Seaweed – Rediscovering a sustainable and forgotten food

Dr Seaweed Range

Dr Craig Rose PhD – aka Doctor Seaweed – explains why we should say yes to more seaweed, with this long-forgotten, natural marine resource able to benefit many aspects of consumers’ lives

Seaweed is a massively underutilised marine resource that offers huge scope as a sustainable industry for coastal communities – developing and delivering products that meet multiple market demands.

As a marine biologist, I have been working commercially with seaweed for nearly 20 years and spanning biofuels, food and nutrition. My key focus since 2015 has been on developing products based around a sustainable seaweed supply that delivers clear nutritional benefits to consumers, and in appealing ways that they can easily engage with. This market driven approach is, for me, key in seeing this nascent industry in the West able to grow and become a serious mainstream proposition.

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