Globally respected and recognised trade body supports Fish Waste for Profit.

iffo the marine ingredients organisation thumbnail

IFFO, the international trade organisation representing the marine ingredients industry, such as fishmeal, fish oil and other related industries, is once again a valued supporter of the Fish Waste for Profit Conference 2024.

The conference takes place at the Hilton Reykjavik Nordica, Iceland from Thursday 19th September to Friday 20th September 2024.

IFFO represents its members at all relevant international forums, including holding observer status at the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the EU Commission and Parliament and work with leading NGOs in responsible management of fisheries.

It works to strengthen the global standing of the industry, while supporting responsible supply worldwide. With a network across 55 countries, its members account for over 60% of world production and 80% of the fishmeal and fish oil traded worldwide.

Whilst IFFO was formed in 2001 it has a collective history of 60 years, encompassing the activities of its predecessors, namely the Fishmeal Exporters’ Organisation (FEO), International Association of Fish Meal Manufacturers (IAFMM) and International Fishmeal and Oil Manufacturers’ Association (IFOMA). In 2012, IFFO changed its name from IFFO The Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation to IFFO, The Marine Ingredients Organisation.

Although its core products are fishmeal and fish oil IFFO is aware of similar emerging products from the marine environment and is embracing them in its scope.

In 2018, Petter Martin Johannessen was appointed as Director General. Egil Magne Haugstad is IFFO’s President for 2024-2025.

IFFO members will receive a 10% discount on their delegate place at this year’s Fish Waste for Profit conference. Book your delegate place here