Co-founder and CEO of Hailia Nordic Oy


Michaela Lindström is the co-founder and CEO of Hailia Nordic Oy, a seafood tech company that focuses on upcycling underutilized pelagic fish and industry sidestreams into delicious, affordable, and sustainable food products with a unique fillet-like texture. Michaela, along with her co-founder Otto Kaukonen, bring a fresh approach to the seafood sector, drawing from their extensive experience in developing plant-based foods.

Before founding Hailia, Michaela spent several years as an NPD and Innovation Manager and Category Team Lead, working across plant-based foods, marketing, and sales. This background has equipped her with a deep understanding of food production and market demands, which she now applies to revolutionize the seafood industry.

At Hailia, the team is committed to driving the Blue Food Revolution. By focusing on upcycling seafood sidestreams and embracing circular economy principles, Hailia demonstrates that it is possible to produce sustainable food without further exploiting natural resources. Products made using Hailia’s patent-pending technology have already been launched in both B2C and B2B markets, earning high praise for their versatility and ease of use.

Michaela remains focused on delivering sustainable food solutions that meet the needs of both consumers and industrial food producers, helping the seafood industry operate within the planet’s boundaries while driving economic growth.