We are Bridon-Bekaert The Ropes Group.

We hold over 300 years of specialized experience in steel wire and synthetic ropes and cords solutions, serving thousands of customers globally.

What makes us unique and valuable to you? It’s a variety of elements, including:

The engagement and expertise of our people: our people are at the core of our business, and it is their knowledge, experience and commitment that provide the foundation of our competitive advantage in comparison with our competitors.

Our technology leadership: the combination of rope technology strength and wire technology strength will provide a platform for strong differentiation in the high-end rope markets

Our ability to serve different markets: oil & gas, elevator, surface and underground mining, cranes and industrial, infrastructure, fishing, forestry, …

Our global footprint: with 17 manufacturing locations around the world, we hold strong positions in the US and Europe, Latin America, Canada and Australia, and have huge growth opportunities across Asia

Although we were founded recently, in June 2016, our heritage spans several centuries. It is this heritage, combined with a strong vision, purposeful goals and high impact leadership which makes us the world leader in our field.

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Improve your fleet efficiency & productivity

Bekaert’s ambition is to be the leading partner for shaping the way we live and move, and to always do this in a way that is safe, smart, and sustainable. As a global market and technology leader in material science of steel wire transformation and coating technologies, Bekaert also applies its expertise beyond steel to create new…