NetKem AS is developing, producing and marketing waterbased coatings and antifouling paints for the fishfarming industry.

Netpolish NP coating and Netwax antifouling paints are based on more than 35 years of experience, and offer excellent protection for the nets. NetKem AS is certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and

ISO 14001:2015.

A few of our products:

Netwax E4 Greenline is developed for optimal protection against fouling of pen nets. As active ingredient a special dicopper oxide is used. This is approved by Ecocert and listed by OMRI.

Netrex AF was introduced in 1985 as the first water based antifouling product. It is still one of the leading products, and offers good protection against fouling.

Netpolish NP Super is used for coating of pen nets, and recommended for use in ecological production. The product offers excellent protection against mechanical wear in washing machines or when nets are cleaned in the sea.