Bopp has a long background in producing specialist deck equipment for the tropical tuna purse seine fisheries as well as the French trawl sector, and has grown into new markets as it has expanded into supplying the UK and Irish fishing sectors.
Deliveries in the last couple of years include a number of comprehensive winch packages for new trawlers and seine netters. Systems include winches, net drums, power packs and gilsons, plus an addition to the Bopp product line with a landing crane.
Now the company sees that its products are fully suitable for the Nordic market and had chosen IceFish as a key platform to present its catalogue of deck equipment – until the Covid-19 crisis.
"It's unfortunate that the IceFish exhibition has been postponed, but we understand completely the reasons for this," said Bopp's David Thepaut.
"We are very pleased to be taking part in it, as Iceland is a new market for us and we want future customers from that area to know more about our products. But we will be back next year, even stronger than before."
If you are interested in exhibiting, sponsoring, attending or speaking at 2021 IceFish please call +44 01329 825 335 or email
International sales:
Diane Lillo Tel. +44 1329 825 335 or email
Icelandic sales:
Birgir Þór Jósafatsson Tel: +354 896 2277 or Bjarni Thor Jonsson GSM: +354 896 6363