“We specialise in tailored systems for fish processing, supplying fishing vessels, processors and also aquaculture companies producing salmon and trout. This year we have been busy with the new whitefish production plant that Samherji opened recently in Dalvík, with conveyors and other equipment. There’s a lot of our gear in there,” said CEO Kristján Karl Aðalsteinsson.
With its production based in Lithuania, Lavango also manufactures equipment as subcontractors for other machine suppliers including innovative robotics technology company Samey.
“We produce a lot of their conveyors, and assist in installation, while they handle the design, electronics, robotics and programming. This is a co-operation that has been in place since 2017,” he said.
“For the growing salmon industry we’re producing a lot of conveyors, tanks and other equipment, plus Lavango represents a range of companies on the Icelandic market, including Ultra Aqua UV lights that practically every salmon producer is using to filter the water in their tanks.”
As well as Ultra Aqua water disinfection, Lavango also represents Philips aquaculture lights, Elpress cleaning systems from Holland, Radwag weighing systems from Poland, Semistaal from Denmark, and Nock skinning machines from Germany on the Icelandic market.
2021 will be Lavango’s third time at IceFish, and the company has had a presence there since it was established in 2014.
“We exhibit at IceFish because it’s one of the best ways to reach the Icelandic market. This one’s the Mercedes of exhibitions. It’s where we meet our current customers, where we find new ones and it’s also important for overseas customers as well, as they come to Iceland to find out what’s going on here, including some US customers who found us at IceFish.”
If you are interested in exhibiting, sponsoring, attending or speaking at 2021 IceFish please call +44 01329 825 335 or email info@icefish.is.
International sales:
Diane Lillo Tel. +44 1329 825 335 or email dlillo@mercatormedia.com
Icelandic sales:
Birgir Þór Jósafatsson Tel: +354 896 2277 birgir@icefish.is or Bjarni Thor Jonsson GSM: +354 896 6363 bjarni@icefish.is