Catchgreen, in collaboration with Swedish-based GAIA Biomaterials, has developed an innovative biopolymer to replace harmful plastics in the fishing industry. BiodolomerOcean is specially developed for marine applications and piloted in real-life conditions through various project partners in South Africa and Kenya. Inspired by the circular economy, BiodolomerOcean, if lost at sea, will disintegrate into biomass without any toxins or micro-plastics. Nets and ropes in BiodolomerOcean degrade within 2-5 years and reduce incidences and durations of ghost fishing. After use, BiodolomerOcean is designed for composting in industrial composting facilities.

The Catchgreen project covers the entire fishing gear production chain, from the development of a brand-new biodegradable compound to testing and filament manufacturing at a fishnet manufacturing plant in South Africa. Each prototype in BiodolomerOcean is engineered to match the performance of the conventional fishing gear. To date, Catchgreen has successfully piloted ropes for seaweed farming and coral restoration and the twine in modified gillnets through the Kenyan Marine Fisheries Research Institute. Future piloting is planned through commercial partners in South Africa for lobster cages, ropes in kelp farming, and nets for the belly of trawl nets. BiodolomerOcean is also being piloted in abalone farming.




9 Linnes Street
South Africa

